44 44» Expofitio$of the 85. Praline. Verf. 6. (halt not dye. aSane. 12. ï 3.yet,he prayes the Lord to make him toheare joy andgladnefff : and, verfe i 2. to rebore him to the joy ofhis falvation. Now, natural! men in thefe cafes deale otherwife : Firti, they lookmore at theoutward riuifery, then at ì ods difpleafure : as If. 26. i I . When thy hand is liftedup,they will notfee, °fal. I 0.5. Thyjudgements arefarre above out ofhis fight. Secondly, they more defire the removal! of Gods judgements, then the renewingof ofhis favour : and therefore are faid, not to cry to the Lord with their hearts, when they howled upon their beds. Thcy af- femble themfelvesfor corn and wine, and they retell again/t me, Hof. 7. 14. If they refpeJed Gds favour,above free- dome from evills, and fruition of bleifings, they would not for thefe things ufe unlawful! means, which encreafeGods The fir(} life : as Saul did, 2 Sam. 28. 7. for admo- For admonition twowayes. Firm, that in all afflic4ions, nicion, weendeavour toapprove our felves to be Gods people, by layingto heart Gods difpleafure for our finnes, above the fmart of our afflition, and alfodelire therenewing ofhis favour,above the removal! ofany outward evill:or the frui- The (econd tionof any temporali blelling. life for ad- Secondly, that we beware of thofe things, which will e- monition. clipfe his favour, and provoke his anger against us : for thofe are to the foule, as poyfon to the body. Oh, that we could el.ieem finne in every adion, as the children of the Prophets did the wild vine in the pottage, runne away,and cry, death is in thepot, 2 Kings 4. 4o. From the deadly piague,and noyfome pellilence,weare carefull to flyeaway betime, and farre enough off : and fo íhouldwe do from the unprofitable worksof darkneffe,which aredeath to Ole foule. Secondly here obferve, both in the phrafe, and matter The feeond therein expreffed, That itrectosorange :o Gods people, that Obfervarion. 'heIuf fers them to lye long inaffliction, under the fenfe ofhis difpleafure,Pfal. i3. I, 2.foure times is the length of ('ods delay complained of, and Pfal. 77. 7,8. byway ofadmira- tion, will the Lordcafl offfor ever, &c. The