Verf. 6. An Expofrtionof 85 . Pfalme. 45 The reafon is, in a double knowledge which theyhave of The firíi God. Firif, in his effentiall properties ofmercy and corn- Reafon. pallion, Pfd. t o3. 8. The Lord is merciful/ , andgracious: flow to anger, andplenteous in mercy : Pfal. 86. i5. ?Thou, O Lord, art a Godfull of compafon , andgracious': -long ..r fering, andplenteom in mercy and truth. Pfal. 145. 9. Has tender merciesareover all his Works. Secondly , in his gracious and faithfull promife made to The [ccond his people , when theyenter into covenant with him, Pfal. Reaíos, 50.5. i S . Gather my Saints together unto me : thofe that havemadea covenant with mee by facrifice. Call uponmee in the day of trouble , Iwill deliver thee , and thou(halt glorifieme. Luke i 8. 7, 8. Shall not God avenge his own Elect , which cry day and night unto him , though bee bear lonpwith them ? Itellyou , that he will avenge them jJ- ee- diy. This ferves for intrucfion, admonition, and comfort. For inftrué}ion twowayes. Firsi , this their admiration The Fro life doth prefuppofe their good , and commendable informati- forin&ru&i- on in the knowledge ofGod , for his gracious difpoftion on' towards his children, and the truthofhis promifes, allured in covenant with them:elfe,they would never have thought it ,range, it fhould be otherwife with them. And there- fore, men fhould take heed , how they lay claime tobe Gods people, and yet be ignorant of his properties , and promifes. i Cor. 15. 34. Some have not the knowledge of God, IIpeaktbis toyour fame. Secondly, their admiration fhewes plainly , that there The fecond is a juffice and wifedome inGod ; even in thecourfe ofhis lire For in- providence over the fiate and wayes ofmen , which many fruftion° times fiurpaffeth the reachofGodschildren, to difcernand finde out, till it pleafe God of himfelf, to reveal the rea- fon and caufe of his dealing : as per. i 2. i, 2. Righteous art thou, O Lord, when Ipleadwith thee : yet , let me talk with theeofshyjudgements : wherefore doth the way ofthe - Wicked profiler ? &c. Who can but admire , that the wicked lenjamites fhould twice prevaile in fight g g againif