46 The Ufe for admonition. itsExpofition of the85. Pfal e. Ver%& againt their brethren , that came for the execution ofju- ftice upon the fonnes of Belial , that hadcommitted vi11a- ny with the Levites concubine, fudes 20. 18, &c. For admonition , it ferves very fitly to moveus togod- ly behaviour under long afïiidion , that we carefully fup- prefle in our felves , all thoughts of hard or unjuft deal- ing in God towards us therein, bringing our hearts to this refolution with teremy ; that God is righteous , even then, when his dealing feems moß ftrange unto us, ;u. How (hall we be able fo to do ? Anf By evincing our hearts of four things in God; juí}ice, foverargntyñwdif óe,tó ñonc. eThFtis fo eíèntiall vo do right to all, and g in God , that he may as foon ceafe to be God , as not to do right, Gen. 18.25. Pfal. 145. 17 7er.12.1. tob 340 O. 23. And therefore, the godly under affliecion muff not be worfe , than Pharaoh who confeflèth, Excel. 9. 27. I have finned. The Lord is righteor -5, Iand mypeople are wic- ked. Secondly , we muff lay to heart Gods foveraignty ; whereby he may dowith his ownwhat he will : he may ex- ercife his under the croffe, not onely for corre&ion for fin, but alfo for triall of grace as he did ?ob., yob 2.3. Wegrant this liberty to men, over their goods and cattle, which are the gifts ofGods providence unto theru, and (hall we de- ny it to the Lord over man , whohath ;Volute foveraign- ty over him,both bycreation and providence ? Thirdly, we muff bethink our felves oafGods if ede which indeed is infinite , Pfal. 147. 5 may inhimfelf perfectly difcern , that that affl ikon which he continues upon his children, is molt for his own glory, and belt for their good, though they conceive the contrary ; as children do under the rod , in the hand of their parents. Lafily, confider his Almighty power, he can bring light out ofdarkneffe, 2 Cor. 4. F. and fo he ufeth to do to hischit- dren , Pfa1.112. 4. fo as they fhall confefle it is good or them that they havebeen affil ided. Pfal. 119. 7 deedawhofoever cotfidereth the end ,, which.God brougght