Verf.6. din Expofitionofthe 85 . Pfalrne. unto lob, to David, and the rest, whomhe exercifedunder great affli:`tion , will confeffe no leífe. Thefe things , well confidered, will make us know our ditty, and acknowledge, that repining againft Godscorrection continued , is ever a fruit ofcorruption,which reigneth in naturall men,andma- keth them to blafpheme under Gods judgments, Rev. i 6.9. Foi comfort , it makes greatly to Gods children under The Ufe for long afl idion , toconfider that fuch an eftate may conti- comfort nue upon his own children and fervants , by the ruleof his juítice, foveraignty, wifedome and power : and therefore, theyneed not to murmure or defpair; when nothing be- fais them, but that whichhath befaln their betters in grace, as lob, `David, tic. That thy people may rejoycein thee. The reafon propoun- dedby Gods Church, to move the Lord to haften their deliveranceout ofmifery, and the removall of their aflli- coons : namely, becaufe thereupon, they fhould bejuftlrr occafioned to rejoyce in God , as plainly difcerning this to be a fruit ofhis mercy, and loving providence over them. Here then note, that when Gods people are delivered The third fromof i&ion , they rejoyce in God : as well, by receive- Obfervaçiox ing it, as from Godshand ; as P¡al. 126.3. TheLord hath done great thingsfor us, whereofwe areglad : as by giving all the honour and praife thereof to God alone, as cAíofes and Aaron did for their deliveranceat the red fea : Exod. 5. i, mac. and asDeborah and Barakdid, S.i,&c. David alto, Pfal. I I 8. r., &c. and 7ehoJhaphat and the peopie, 2 Chron. 20. 26, 27. The reafon hereofis, that though means bee ufed by The Reafon. Gods people , yet they know , that the bleflîng is not in the meanes, but in the Lord , whodoth profper thefame. Pfalm 44. 6, 7, 8. For I will not truft in my boWe : nei- ther fhall my(Wordfaveme. But thou haft Pavedus from our enemies, and haf put them to Jhame that hated u . In Godwe boaf all theday long, and praife thy name for aver. This ferves for inftruaion, and for admonition. g g 2 For 47