48 AnExpoftionof the85. Pfaloe. Veil:6. The Ire for For infiruc4ion , it (hews us a plain difference, between inñruaion. Gods children, and naturall men, in the fruitionof tem- porall bleflings ; and fo gives evidenceof nature and grace in thedayes of peace : For meer nature looks at outward meanes, and at fecond caufes : and fo men either glory in themfelves, as Dan. 4. ;o. or facrifice to their nets, as Habak, r. 15, 16. But thegodly : though they ufemeans, yet they firS'c look at God , and give the chief praife to him, and look co themeans in the fecond place , as r Sam. 25.32. The ufe for For admonition , it ferves effec4ually to move every .monition. childeofGod, toconform himfelf to this profellìon , and praelifeof the godly, even for every bleflìng, whether of deliverance from evill , or fruition ofgood , to rejoyce in theLord. This was Davids ordinarypraife Pfal. 34. r, a, 4. This alfowe (hall do,ifwe be careful' of three things. Firft, to fee Gods hand of mercy in every thing , wherein we rejoyce : as Pfal. 8. I 5, 16, z3, 2.4. The voyce ofre- joycingandfalvation is in the ta' ernacles of the righteous the right handofthe Lorddothvaliantly , &c. Secondly,to give him praife and thanksfor every biefling : thus God is honoured, Pfal. 5 o. 23. therefore David firreth up his foul hereunto, Pfd. 103, r,a. Bleffe the Lord, O myfoul, andall that is withinme, bleb hisholyname. Bleffe the Lord, Omy foul : andforget not all his benefits. The very blinde heathen have done this,for the honour oftheir idols : as Judg. 16. 23. Dan. 5.4. Shall not Gods people muchmore do it to the true God ? Thirdly, to ufe thebleflings., wherein we rejoyce, to Gods glory, Stirring up our (elves thereby , towalk more obediently to Gods commandements. Pfal. 116. 8, 9. Thou haft deliveredmyfoulfromdeatb,mine eyesfrom tears, andmyfeet_Pontfalling : 1A, ill Walkiefore the Lord in the land tithe living,