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Verf.7. AnExpo ftIMofthe 85. Pfalme; Verfe 7. Shen a! thy mercy ,0Lord, andgrant us thyfai_ nation. 49 Ere the Church doth return again unto humble pe- Theme-ailing tition or fupplication. and that for two things : Firft, ache words, that the Lord would flew them his mercy : Secondly, give them his falvation. For the firf,when they fay, She%v us thy mercy,OLord, they do plainly imply , that his mercy or loving kindnefle was hid from them : and yet for all, that they do not leave the Lord in that ei}ate, but humbly begge the fight and evidence of his mercy. So that in this Brit petition, we have to note two things : the miferable Bate of Gods Church for a time, and thegodly behaviour of the Church in that eftate. For the firft, the miferable eftate of Gods Church is The firff this, for a time they are without the fenfe and feeling of Obfervacion. Gods mercy and kindneffe, elfe they would not defire to fee it. Pfal. 74. 7, 9. 0 God, why haft thou call us offfor ever ? Wefeenot our Agnes, to wit, of thymercy towards our help, Pfd. 77. 8, 9. Is his mercy clean gone for ever ? RathGodforgotten to begracious : Pfal. 89,49 LordWhere are thy former loving ndneffes ? 7The reafon hereof is. Firft , trial] of grace, as in lob, The finft o6 13. 24. Wherefore hideft thou thy face , and holdeft me Reafon, for thine enemy. Verf 20, Thou Writeft bitter thing! a Secondly, correeetion for fins , which firup Geds anger againft his people, and fo hide his mercy and kirdneffe feçoixi. from them. Lam. 3. 42, 43, 44. We have tranfgreffed,and Reatn. hayerebelled,thou haft notpardoned. Thou haft coveredWith anger, and perfecuted us : thou heftflair; , thou haft notpi- tied : Thou hail covered thy elfe with a cloud , that our prayer Avoidnotpale through. This isac/ noli /edged in Sa_ lomons prayer. a Chron. 6. thee (for there is no man whih fnnethnot ) ea dth se gg 3 be