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Au Lxpefition?ofthe 8 5 . Pfalme. Verf. 7. be4ngry With them, &c. Pfal. ro6. 39, 40. Thus were they defiled with their ownworks, andwent a Whoring' With their own inventions. Therefore was the wrathofthe Lord kindled again his people : infonuch, that he abhorredhis own inhe- ritance. This ferves for inftruc`ion, and for admonition. The For inf1rution two wayes. Firft, touching the true üfe for n- God : this fateof the Church, wanting the fenfeofGods ítrufties. mercy, teacheth us to conceive a :d know, that though God be to his Church a God of mercy in Chrift, and fo delight therein,that his mercy is Paid to be above all his works,Pfàl. 145.9. and that he would be known to delight therein, er. 9. 23. yet withal/, that he is a Godoffeverity and jultice, not fparinghis own people, when they finne againlI him. `Thus he defcribes himfelte, Exod. 34. 6,7. Though be keep his mercy for thoufarids, yet he will by no means cleare the guilty. How did he puni(h his own people the J ewes ? fee Lam. 1.12. and his owndeareft fervants for finne ? Da- vid, 2 Sam. t 2. t o.&c.Afa,and others ? nay his own fon, when he bore our finnes ? Which, well confidered, will be theground of cods fear in our hearts, Exod. 23. zo, 21. I willfendmine Angell, which /ballkeep thee in the Way, &c. Beware ofhim, ohey hisvoyce, provoke him not : for he will not pardonyour tranfgrefons : for my name is in him, Heb. 12. 28, 29. Let ass have grace, 'Whereby we mayferve Clod acceptably, with reverence andgodly fear : For our God is 4 eonfumingfire. jer. 5. 22. Feare ye not mefaith the Lord ? way e not tremble at myprefence ? Jer. to. 7. who Would notfeare thee, O King o fnations ?for unto thee ddth it apper- raine. The fecund Secondly, touching Gods people: fee here,that theymay uie fer in- truly belong to God bycovenant in Chrift, and yet for a itru&ion. time be without the fenfe and feeling of his mercy & kind- nef e : as Pfd. 74. I, 19. 0 god, why haft thou caft us of forever ? why doth thineangerfmnoak .againf the fbeep, o f thy pafture ? Forget not the congregationof thy Poorefer ever, Pfal, 77. 8,9. Is his mercy clean gonefor ever ? doth his pro- mil e