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Verf. 7. AnExpofitionofthe 85. faltt, mifefailefor evermore ? Math Godforgotten tobegracio«t ? bath he in angerAnt up his tender mercies ? ob. Where then is the truthofhis prornife,Ifaiah54.1o. The C/k%untaines /halldepart, andthe hills be removed, but my kindneffe[ball not depart from thee,&c.Whereupon,Pfal. 2 3.6. c.A'lercy andkindneffe Shallfollow me, all the¿aies of my life : for, Pfal. F9. 28. Mymercie Will Ikeepforhimfor ever, Pfal. z z 6. twenty fxe times, inevery verfe once. For his mercie endurethforever. ./4n it. Wemuft put a difference, betweenGods mercy, and kindneffe conceived in himfelfe,and vouchfafed to his children and people, and the expreßîng, and manifeflation thereof. The former once begun is ever continued, towards thofe that be in Chriff, yohn 13. i. Having loved his own which Were in the world, he loved them unto the end. Rom. i i. 29. For the gifts and callingof God are without repen- tance. But the manifeffation thereof is many times refrai- ned, for goodcaufes : as either tryall ofgrace,orcorrehion for finne:which libertywe give tonaturall parents,towards theirchildren, and therefore muft takeheed we deny it not to God. For admonition twowayes. Firfl, that we take heed of The fir& all thofe things,that caufe the Lord to hide his favour from °fe for admo. nition. us; which indeed is all finne and only finne, that feperates, Ifaiah 59. 2. even pride and haughtineffe upon the fruition ofhis favour : as mf. 30.1,7. In myproi6erity Ifaid, I [ballnever be moved. Lord by thyfavour thou hadfl made my mountain tofandftrong : thou didfl hide thyface, and I was troubled. Secondly, not to be difmayed, or to defpaire under the o The feeoñd fenfe of Gods difpleafure; for it is the [}ate of theg dly ü mooe for nitio nd- n. fonetimes to feel it. We muff faywith the Church, Twill bear thewrathof theLord,becaufe Ihavefanned againft him. Micah 7. 9. we mu1 humble our felves, and wait former- cy : as Pfal. 42. i.a. and then know, that his favour (hail be renewed. They that wait upon the Lord [hall renew their ífrength. We mat learn to walk by faith, and not by 51