Verf.z. 1In Expofitionofthe 27. Pfalme. 17 Thirdly,Davids enemies did neither regardGods word, The feventh nor Gods works, and focould not profprr. For negle1 of Reafon. Gods word, fee Pfal. I I 9. 126. It is timefor thee,Lord,to work: for they have made void thy law. Pfal. 5o. t 6, t 7. Vnto the wicked, God faith, what haft thou todo to declare myftatutes ? &c. Peeing thou hateft inftruElion, andcaftrf my words behinde thee ? And for his works, Pfal. 28. 5. Becaufe they regardnot the workes of the Lord, nor the ope- ration of his hands , he fhall defroy them , and not build themup. Fourthly,' Davids enemies wafted in their own might, The eight andoutwardmeans, Pfal. 3. 2. Manyfay ofmyfoul, there Reafon. is no helpfor him in God. z Sam.17.12. Therefore I coun- fell, &c. We will light upon him, as the dew falleth on the ground : and ofhim, and ofall themen that arewithhim, there (hall not be left fo muchas one. Pfal. 21. 7, 8. Some truft in chariots, andforce in horfes , but wee will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down, and fain, but We are rifen, andRandupright. ObjeEt. Yet fometimes this is otherwife, as the Pfalmift complaineth, Pfal. 89. 38, 39,43. But thou haft caft off, and abhorred : thou hall beenwrath with thineannointed: Thouhaft made void the covenant ofthy fervant:thou haft prophaned his crown , by calling it to the ground. Thou halt alfo turned theedge ofhis (word : and haft not made him to hand in the battle. The like complaint,fee Pfal.44. 9, lc, &c. But thou haft calf off and put us to fhame, and goeft not forth withour armies. Thou makeft us to turn back from the enemy and they which hate us fpoyl for themfelves. Anfw. Here we must confider the natureof Góds pro- ;Ides : for though fuch as concern redemption, and falva- tion in Chrift, be molt fhre and certain , yea and Amen. Cor. i . ; o. Yet the promifes of temporal! bleffings are conditional!, and muff beunderftood , with the exception of the crof e , that is, fo as God , either for triall ofgrace, Qr corredion for finne, may deal otherwife : as wee may D z fee