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i 52 An Exportionof the 85. Pfalrix. Verf. 7. by fight, 2 Cor.5.7. to live by faith, and not byfight.Hab. 2.4. for, Pfal. 89. 30. &C. Ifhis thildren forfake my /an,, andwalknot in myjudgements. If they breakmy flatutes,and keepnot my commandements : Then roil Ivifit their tranf- greonwith the rod, and their iniquity withftripes. Never- theleffe my lovingkindnef e will I not utterly takefrom him, norfùffer my faithfulneffe tofade, &c. The fecond The fecond thing here tobe noted, is the behaviour of Obfervation. Gods people in this their miferable eftate, here plainly ex- preffed ; when they want the fenfe and feelingof Gods mercy and kindneffe, they leave not (od,but go to him by humbleand earned: prayer, for force evidence thereof,Pfal. 77. 2. In the day ofmy trouble Ifought the Lord, Pial. 4o. I t , 12. Withhold not thou thy tender merciesflan') me, O Lord, let thy loving kindneffe and thy truth continually pre- ferve me. For innumerable evills have compaf fedmeabout, &c. Pfal. 42.7,8,9. All thy Waves, and thy billows are gone over me. Yet the Lordwill commandhis loving kindnefe in theday time, and in thenight hisfang fhall be Withme, and myprayer unto the Godofmy life. I will fay untoGod, my pock, why haft thouforgotten me, &c. Pfal. 44. t 7,24. All this is come upon us, yet have we notforgotten thee where- fore hideff thou thyface, and forgetteftour 4g/ion. The firL} The reafonofthis their behaviour is, partly,in their know- Reafon. ledgeibut principally in their faith in God.For their know- ledge, by Gods word they are certainly aff.ired, that mercy is effentiall in God, Pfal. 62. i 2 Alfo .unto thee, O Lordbe- longeth mercy. He isplenteous in mercy, Pfal. Ic3..8. His mercy isgreat above the heavens, Pfal. leg. 4. The earth tr full ofhicgoodneffe, Pfal. 33. 5. His tender mercies areover All his works, Pfal. 145.9. Alfo they know, he takes plea- Lure in thofe, that hope inhis mercy, Pfal. 147. I I. Now, will they that know this do leffe to God, then Benhadads fervants did to the King of Ifrael ? I Kings 20. 31,3 2. We have heard, that the Kings ofthe hoofe ofIfrael aremer- ciful/ Kings, &c. The fecond Secondly,they truft in God; and thereforehaue recourfe Reaíop. unto