verf:7. .4nExpoftioss ofthe 85. Pfalme. untohim inmífety, and underthe fenfeofhis anger, Pfal. T 3. 3, 5. Confider andheare ---Ihave trufted in thy mercy, Pfd. 22. 1,4i5. t...51/11God, my 9'od, why haft thouforfaksn me ? Our fathers trnfed in thee : they trufited, and thou didffdeliver them. They cryed unto thee, andwere delivered: they trufled in thee, andwere not confounded. This ferves for inftruftion,and for admonition. For inftruftion, it lets us fee a difference, both in judge- The the ¢or ment ardpraftife , between the godly and the wicked : For mfizuaion' judgement, even about prayer in afllic ion : the wicked think it unprofitable to pray, 7.96 21. 15. (Mal. 3. 14. But thegodly knowit is otherwi e, ?ames 5.16. For praftife, thewicked call not uoon God, but only for Phew, Pfal. T 4, 4. Hof y. i 4. But the godly aremuch in thisduty; Pfa15. 3. voice(halt thou heare in the morning, &c. Pfal 55. Evening, andmorning, andat noon, will Ipray, and Cr) aloud, Pfal. 119. 164. Seven times aday do Ipraife thee. Yea, herein they offer an holy violence unto God, as Facet held theAngell, and would not let him go, till he bleffed him, Gen.32.24, 26. and Mofes as it were, heldGod from del roying the lfraelites, when they had made thegoldest calfe, Exec'. 32.1o.&c. For admonition, that we endeavour to approve our Them felves, tobe Godspeople, and truemembers ofhisChurch, or admoaä- by following them in this godly praftife,even then,topreffe non` upon the Lord by our humble and earneft prayers, when he feemeth tooppreffe us withhis judgements : when he hides his mercy from us, wemuff by our prayers fue, and leek to find mercy with him : asDavid did, 2 Sam.24..14. Queff. how (hall we be enabled hereunto ? Anft. By doing two things. Firft, we muff informe our hearts rightly,in the natureofGod,for mercy and corn- paflion,as is (hewed in the fiat reafon : and in the gracious promifes,made tohispeople, even when they are in mifery. Secondly,fit our felves to have good tide to the fame:which requirestwo things at our hands. I. True and unfeigned repentance, whereby our finnes be removed, and fo a way h b made 53