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y; IxpoftiMofthe g5. *dose. dm Verf '. made to his mercy, ?er. i 8.7, 8. 2. The getting, and ex- ercifing of thofe graces ofthe fpirit, which teftifie,westand rightly incovenant with God. As i . Faith in God,thtough Chrilt : relyuponhim, for the pardon offinne, and faving ofour foules, and we (hall not diftruit for leífer deliveran- ces:as Pfa1.5 6. i 3. Thou haft deliveredmyfoulefrom death, wilt thounot deliver myfeetfromfalling ? 2. FeareGod inheart, and íhew it by efchewing evill, and doing good in life, Pfal. 25. i 2, 14. What man ahe, that feareth the Lord ? himfall he teach in the way that hej'hall choofe. The fecret oftheLord is with them that fearehim : and he will Phew them hiscovenant, Pfal. 103. I t . For as the heaven is high above the earth ; fogreat is his mercy toward them, that feare him. 3. Exercife mercy towardour bretheren, fo shall we find the Lord mercifull unto us, Pfal. t 8.25. With the mercifull thou wilt fhew thy felfmerciful/. For on the contrary, ram. 2. I 3. He Jhall havejudgement Without mer- cy, that bath fheWed nomercy and Pfal. icy. z 2,16. Let there be none to extendmercy untohim, «e. Becaufe that be remembred not to _thewmercy, &c. 4. Be much in prayer toGod,in thename ofChrift,for whatfoeverwe lack,Phil. 4.6. Seeencouragements, Pfal. 5o. 15. Call upon me in theday oftrouble, Iwill deliver thee, andthou fhalt glorifie me: and Pfal. 86. 5. Thou Lordart good, and ready tofor- give : and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Andgrant us thyfalvation. The fecond benefit, which Gods Church and people here beg of God, as a fruit and e- vidence ofhis mercy and kindnefle ; Tamely, togive them his falvation : that is, deliverance from the troubles of t,beir enemies, and from all other evills,that lay upon them : for that is the falvation here meant : as Exod. 14. 13. Stand frill andbehold thefalvationofthe Lord, which he will word, foryou. The third In this petition note two things, 1. The place andor- Qb#ervatioll. dero inwhich thisbleffing is fought Z. What kindoffal.. vatiori