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Verf.7. AI Pxpofition ofthe 85. Pfulme. nation they delire : namely, that which comes from God grant as thyfalvation. For the firft , note , Gods people leek Gods falvation, after they have fought his mercy : firft , theybeg mercy at his hands , and thendeliverance from evils : Pfal. 40. II. with-hold not thou thy tender merciesfrom rte, O Lord : let thy lovingkindr.efe, and thy truth, continually preferveme. Pfal. 6. i. Have mercy upon me , O Lord, for Ianaweal.: O Lord, healme,for my bones arevexed. Firft mercy, then healing. Pfal. 3c. io. Havemercy uponme , O Lord, bee thou my helper. The reafon hereof is twofold. Firft, their partakingof The htft Gods mercy, was neceffary for the removall of the caufe of Reafoa. their mifery , which ordinarily is finne : that brings death, andall evils that be fore runners thereof, Rom. 5. Y 2. Now there is no way to have finne removed, but through Gods mercy in Chrift : as'David thews, Pfd. 51. t, 2, 14. Secondly, mercie and kindnefi'e in God is properly the The tecond moving caufe of his faving us, both temporally in this Reafon. world, and eternally in the world to come : for preferva- tion, which is temporali falvation , fee Pfd. 6.4. David being fick and weak, prayes thus, O fdvemefor thymercies fake : and fo, when he was in danger ofhis lifeby enemies, he makes the fame prayer , Ofave mefor thy merciesfake: Pfal. 3T. 16. Pfal.44. 3. Their ownarmdidnotfave them: but thy right hand, and thine arm , and the light of thy coun- tenance ; becaufe thou hadft afavour unto them. This the people fay of Godsdealing withtheir fore-fathers, bring- ing them out of Egypt into Canaan : and thereupon being in mifery, they flye to the fame ground of help, verfe 26. 4rife for our help, redeem us for thy mer- cies fake : fo `David , as a type of Chriii in his paffion, prayes ; Helpme, O Lordmy God : Ofaveme, according to thy mercie. And for falvation eternal!, it is wholly foun- dedon Gods mercy in Chrift, Tit. 3.5. Not by workgs of righteoufnefewhich We havedone, but according to his mer- cy hefaved Pfal. 141.4. Lord bee mercifull unto hh 2 Me,