Vert. 6. InExpofition ofthe 8s. Pialme. deliverance begood, theyAd/have it : if they Want delive ranee, their offlitlionShall befantlifiedunto them. The fecond thing to be noted in this laft petition is,what The fount kind of falvation,or deliverance thepeople of Goddo de. Obfervatio*. fire, when they are inmifery ; namely, that which comes fromGod. Gods people in mifery delire the deliverance, which is ofGods fending, Pfd. 6o. z i. Clive us help from trouble : for vain is thehelp ofman. Pfal. 20.7. Some sru) incharets,and force in horfes;but we will remember thename ofthe LordourGod, verfe 9. SaveLord, Pfal. t o6.47. Save ors O Lordour God. Firll they know, that falvation belongsunto hiin, 'Pfalm The fire 3. 8. He i.. the Godof falvation, Pfal. 68. 2O. withhim is Reafon. plenteow redemption, Pfal. z 30.7. Secondly theyknow, that without him the f trongeft Tne fccond helpsdo faite : as yob 9. 13. IfGodwill not withdraw his Reafon.. anger, theproud helpersdo(loop under him : and Ifaiah 30. z, &c. Woe to the rebellious children, tic.--They were all ajhamedofapeople, that couldnotprofit them, nor be an help, 4 , Thirdly, theyknow, that deliverance is eafie untohim, The third when diflreffe and danger is moll grievous, per. 32.27. Reafon. there is nothing too hard for him. He can lave with many or with few, I Sam. 14. 6. with weakmeanes, ?edges 7. 20. without means, Ifaiah 63. 5. by his bare command, Pfal. 44. 4. as Mat. 8.3 . /will: be thou clean. Yea , by deftroyingmeanes, as Ifrael thorough the red fea, ExoeL 4.26,&c: and the three fervants ofGod in the fire,Dan. 3. 25, 27. Fourthly,they know, that Godhands boundby promife The fourth' in the covenant, which he makes withhis people, to deliver Reafon. them out ofmiferyand diflrefle, when they humble them (elvesandpray : See Pfal. 5o. 5,15. 2 Chron. 7.14. This ferves to dikover their impiety, which ufe uniaw- The Ufe foe full means, to help themfelves from under miferiesand af- ìnßruRion. fli lions ; as thehelp and direr ionofwitchesand wizards, liketoSaul, I Sam. 28.7. and to 4haziah, 2 Kings 1,2,3. b h 3 forbidden 37