ig Lrxpefitian of the8;. Pfalxne. Vert. S. forbidden, Lev. ao. 6. Ifaia/l 8.19. Alfa theft,òppreffion bribery, perjury, lying, &c. This is not the pracctife of Gods people : helpand deli- verance ; by fuch means as thefe, is not of God, but of the devill : and fuch perfors fhould think of Chrifts fpeech to the Jewes, `john 8.44. 7ou are ofyourfather thedevil! :for the lufs ofyourfatheryou Willdo. The Life for Secondly, to admonifh us in all miferies to imitate Gods admonition. people, in feeking only that help and deliverance, which comes fromGod. Confider herein the pra&ife ofthe god- ly, that would not receive deliverance by unlawfull means. Heb. I I. 3 5. alluding to 2. 1tìachab. 6. 23, 3 Verfe 8. Iwill heare what godthe Lordwill¡bea ,: for he willfpeakpeace to hispeople, and tohas Saints e but let them not turn again tofolly. The meaning j N this verfe, and thofewhich follow, to the end of the of the words. Pfalme,is contained the third and laft part thereof,thew- ing the Churches godly behaviour, after íhe had madeher complaint arid prayer,in promifing to wait upon God,fora gracious anfwer:whereofthe layes down futficient ground: Firft, in general! in this verfe;then more particularly in the rieft ofthe Pfalm. Her behaviour is in thefewords. /Will heare,What God the LordWill(peak; meaning bywayof anfwer to my com- plaint and prayer. Wherein wehave to note two things. z. How the ftileth God in this place. s. What duty the undertakeih towards him. 'the firft For the lira, the titleshere given to God by the Church Obiervation. are two, God, the Lord : the firft notes out his power, the Latin fecond his performance ofwhat hehath promifed:as Exod. 6. 3. I appeared unto Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, by the name ofGodalmighty ; but by my name Jehovah Was I not known unto them, verfe 6. wherefore,fy unto them,1am the Lord, IWill bringyou out. And this is ufed by the Church and godly elfewhere : as Pfal