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Verf. 8. AnExpofitionofsave 85. Ffealme. 59 Pfad. II 8. 27. God is the Lord, who bathgivenus light. rl;e Refoa. The reafon of this prac`lifeof the Church is, to frengthen her felfto thebetter performance of the duty fhe under- take, which is to wait for Gods anfwer to her prayers whereto fhe (hall be thebetterencouraged, and enabled by confidering ; that God is yehcvah,one that not only bath being of himfclf, but gives being to his promifes. Now be- ing God, he is able, andbeing ?ehovah, he is faithfull : as, Hei'. i . 23. He is faithfull that promifed, i Thef. 5.24. He will alfo do it. And for his promife, fee ¡'fal.5c. i 5. This fhould teachus to labour to underhand the holy ti- The órtc tics, whereby Ccd is Ailed in Scripture, that fo we may the ufe for acimo- better make a right life of them both to terrific us from fin, ninon. and to encourage us in faith and obedience. Asfor terrour, to confider, that he is called an everlalling burning, and de- vouring fire, If 33. 14. For encouragement in difficult ca- fes, to confider, that he is the maker of heaven and earth, great incounfell, mighty in work, per. 32. 17. 19. for mer- cy, the good Gcd. 2 Chron. 3c. i 8. for encouragement in prayer, Ourfather, which art in heaven, Mat. 6.9. which layes a ground, both ofconfidence, in that he is our father, and offear, and humilitie, in that he is in heaven. Secondly, is God the Lord ? then thofe that call him fo The fecond muff fear him in regard of his power, ?er. 5. 25. Mat. io. Life for ad- 28. obey him.as their Lord. Luke6.46. and rcll uponhim mcnition. by faith ; becaufe he makes good hi!, gracious promifes, z Cor. 1.20. The duty,which the Church here undertakes toperform The fecund to God is this, the will patiently attend for Gods gracious Obfervation. anfwer, toher complaint and prayer. Sodoth 7cb, yob 14. All the daies ofmy appointed time will 1 wait, till mychange come, Pfal. 40. i. Iwaited patientlyfor the Lord, Pfal. 130. 5, 6. Igaitfor the Lord, myfoul doth wait. The reafon hereof is, frein the work ofGods fpirit in his The Reafoát children, enabling them byfaith. J. To reverence hiscom- mand, enjoyning them fo todoe,Tfa; 27 14. Wait on the Lord, be ofgood cosrrage. 2. To rely uponhis promife to beate