bo A»Expofition of the 85. Ffalosp. Verl. 8. hear and help, 2 Chr®n. 7.14. wherein they know he will not fail : becaufe he is a Godof power , able todowhat- foever hewill, Pfal. i i . 3. and of mercy , exceeding a- bundant, above all that *e can ask or think, Ephef. 3.20. This ferves for inftruftion, and for admonition. The tire for For inítruetion , it acquaints us with a plain difference, irdt u Lion. between the godly, who are believers, and the wicked,who are unbelievers : the godly do not onely pray to od , but wait alfo for an anfwer when they have made their pray- er : as Pfd. 42. 5, t I. Ifaiah 28. 1(. But the wicked,ei- thee pray not, as, I'fal. 14. 4. or if theydo pray , yet they will not wait : as 2 Kings 6.33. Wha t fhouldIWait upon the Lordany longer ? They deal with their prayers, as the Oftrich doth with her eggs, which fhe leaveth in the earth, &c. 7obi 39. i 4, &c. becaufe Godhath deprived them of uunderftanding , as punifhment of their contempt of the meanes ofgrace,elfe theywould not account the exercife of prayer unprofitable: as, lob at. t 5 tii'Zal.3.14. Theufe for For admonition , that we endeavour to approve our admonition. (elves to be Gods people, by waiting uponGod for a gra- cious anfwer to our prayers. This we fhould do every day, according to the praftife ofthe Church in this place:where- unto if we did indeed fet our felves, we wouldmake con- fcience ofall finne , that we might keep our (elves in the love ofGod , without which we cannot comfortably ex- pee4 a gracious anfwer from him toour prayers. Now to enable us towait and liften for a gracious anfwer,when we have prayed, we muff be well exercifed in godly confidera- tion and praftife. Theconfederation needfull hereto is three-fold Firft,of Gods promife made to thofe that prayunto him : for is is prefumption to wait forthat, which God hathnot promi- fed to give : Trueexpcctation is a fruit of faith, which ever looks at Gods wordofpromife. Secondly,of Gods power and mercy : foras his powerwill affure us, that he is able, fo hismercie will fhew,that he is molt ready and willing to grant our requests. Thirdly,we mull confiderhis manner anfwer: f