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Verf.8. AnExpofitionofthe $5. Pf4lme. 61 anfwer : it is three-fold. Sometime , by giving that parti- cular bleflîngwe ask : as i Sam. 1. 27. For this childe I prajed, and the Lordbathgiven me my Petition,Which Iask- edofhim. Sometime, by giving forceother thing anfwera.. ble to thebleliìng : as , 2 Car. 12. 9. LW)grace is fufci_ ent for thee.And fometimes by giving patience and ítrength tobear the evils whichwe would have removed ; as, Heb. S . 7. Thegodly praetife hereto needfull,is threefold. First, to Bir up our hearts to layhold on Gods promifes by faith : as,Pfal.43.5. And herein wemuff thew godly judgement, in labouring to trust perfectly for fpirituall bleffings,fimply needful! to falvation : as, 2 Tim. a. 11. Iam not aJhamed, for Iknow whom I have believed, &c. But for fpirituall bleffings lefienecefl'ary, as alto for all temporal! blefiìngs, to fubmit ourwils to Gods will. Secondly, we muff hold on in the way of obedience. Pfal 37.34. Wait on the Lord, andkeep his way , andhe /hall exalt thee to inherit the land. Thirdly, continue in prayer. Co/.4. 2. Keepnot fie lence; give theLordno ref!. Ifaiah 62. 6, 7. For he will to his people, andtohis Saints. The reafonor ground , whereby the Churchdothencourage her felf, to the former godlypraelife, drawn from Gods gra- cious dealingwithhis people, in giving comfortable anfwer to their prayers : for peace in Scripture doth oftentimes noteout all manner ofwelfare : as, Exod.18.7. Pfal.i22, 6. Pfäl.35. 27. In this reafon we have two things tonote. First, the honourabletitle whereby Godspeople here be itiled;name- ly, that they are his Saints. Secondly the fpeciall favour which God will thewunto them, in anfwer to their pray- ers : he will fpeak peaceunto them. For the firlt, they are his Saints , even gracious Saints, The third filthas hedoth profecute withfpeciall grace and favour : as ervataom. we fpeak, the Lords favourites : Pfal. 3o. 4. Singunto the Lord, Oye Saints ofhis. Pfal. 31.23. O love the Lordyee his Saints; for the Lord preferveth the faíthfnll. Pfalm iJ 37°