6a ixpefitionofthe8s. Pfalene. Verf. S. 37. 28. Hee ferfakyeth not his Saints. The R.eafon. The reafon and groundof this happy and honourable e. Rate is inGod alone. t Cor. 4.7. For Who oral eth thee to differ from another ? Andwhat haft thou, that thoudidit not receive ? Firft , in God the father electing and chuffing them to beholy. Eph. T. 4. According as he bath chofen us in him , before thefoundationoftheWorld , that we fhouldbe holy , and without blame before him in love. Secondly,, in Sod the Sonne, redeeming them from finne, wafhing and cleaning themwith the wafhing of water ,. by the word, that he might prefent them to himfelf without fpot , or wrinckle, or any filch thing ,. but that they might be holy and without biemifh. Eph. 5. 25', 26, 27. Thirdly, in the workof the Holy ghoft, applying the merit and power of Chrifts death unto them , for the abolifhingofcorruption, and the renewing ofthe graces of his holy image. i Pet. I. 22. Ye have purified your felves , in obeying the truth, through thef#irit. Fourthly, in a work of all three perfdns vouchfafing unte them an effe&wall calling. 1 Cor. 1. 2. Called to beSaints. This ferves for inStru&ion, admonition and comfort. The brit For ini}ru&ion. Firft , it !ets us plainly fee , that God UUte for in- - bath his Saints ii1 this world, filch as from ele&ion through ttru Lion. redemption and fanClification are holyand pure in his fight. Numb. 23. 21. He hath not beheld iniquity in facob. It is not as Papifs fay , that there are none but in heaven : for here theyhave their beginning, andnow are truly , though not perfectly holy. The fecond Secondly , here fee how farre the prophane dodeceive Ule for in- themfelves, when they lay claim tobe Gods people. Pfal. truetion. 94.20. Shall the throneofiniquity havefellowfhipwith thee? which frameth mifchiefby a LaW ? 2 Cor. 6. 14, &c. What fellowshipbath righteoufneffe with unrighteoufneffe, C. I lob. I. 6. IfWefay that We havefelloWfhip with him , and walk-in darl1ief fe, We lye, anddo not the truth. Thefrít We For admonition. Firft, that ifwe lay claim t 1 be Gods for admó- people, we labour afterlrolïneffe. Heb.I2.14- with