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liMINFIF Verf.8. doExpofition ofthe 85. Malme. with all men, and holineffe, without Whichno man fhall the Lord : andfeehoWfarceforth, inall manner ofconverf,t tion, I Pet. 1.t5. For thiscaufe we mud ettrtjfe our fefue in theword andprayer, the Lords ordinances fanalfied t liïs eleft,for the beginningofholineffe, and encreafe thereo in their foules. Secondly, that we learn to delight in the godly, Pfal. 16. 2, 3. C..Aly goodnefe extendeth not unto thee, but to the Saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent inWhom isall my delight, Pfal. 119. 63. Iam a companion fall them that fear thee: andofthem that keepthy precepts: as theLorddoth, Pfal. 147. i 1. TheLord taketh pleafure in them that feare him : in thole that hope inhis mercy. For comfort, it makes greatly againft the contempt of the world, 1 Sam. 2.9. HeWill keep thefeet ofhis Saints, andthewicked(hallbe fi lent indarkne f fe, Deut 33.2,3.Cant. 2.14. Pfal. 149.9. For the fecond, God will (peak peace tohis people : he will give a comfortable, and gracious anfwer, to their com- plaints and prayers : Pfd. 29. 1 g . TheLord willblefe his people with peace, Pfd . 12. 5. For theopprejonofthepeor,, for thefighingoftheneedy, Iwillup,faith theLord, and fet himat liberty, Pfal. 5o. 15. Call upon me in the dayoftreu- hie, I ? ih' deliver thee, Ifaiah 26. 12. Lordthou wilt ordain peacefor us, Ifaiah 4o.1, 2. Comfortye, comfortyemy peo- ple,faithyour Clod: Ipeakye comfortably to Jerufalem. Thus he anfwered `Daniels prayer, Dan. 9.2C,21,23. The reafon hereofis twofold. Firft, his covenant ofgrace, made with his people in Chrift, through whom it becomes thecovenant ofpeace, If. 54.1o. for Chrift is the Princeof peace, If. 9.6. yea, our peace, Eph. 2. 14. inwhom we have peace, John 16. 3 3 . Secondly, becaufe his Saints be endued with thofe graces and vertues, which give them title to truepeace : as faith in God, Rom. 5. 1. and love to Gods law, Pfal. 119.165. and obedience to his commandements, If.4.8.18. This ferves for infruction, admonition, and comfort. iï2 For et 0 f The fecouit Life foradm monition, The ufe for comfort. The fourth Obfcryation. The full Reafon. The fecond Reafon.