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64 The firaUte for infiruâi- on. The retort life for in- tru t on. An Expojitionof the 85. Pfalme. Verf.8. For inftruftiontwowayes. Firft, it (hewer the fweet fruit and benefit of true piety,in theprofefiionofGodsho- ly religion. It is not, as wickedmen think, a vain thing to ferve God: ?ob 2 I. 15. Mal. 3. r 4. but undoubtedly,there is fruit for the righteous, 7'fal. 5S. I I . CJodlinefJe is great gain, I fim.6.6. It it profitable unto all things, having pro- wifeofthe life that now is,and ofthat which is to-come, I Tim. 4.8. This will more plainly appear, ifwe confider the ex- tent of this peace , which God promifeth to his peo- ple. It is not only, 1. The peace of God, that is, Gods favour and love, which paßèth all understanding Eph. 3. 19. which Chrift giveth to thofe that be godly, yohn 14. r. but, 2. Peaceofconfcience, Rom. 5. I . which is a con- tinuall feast, Prov. i 5. t 5 . and gives boldneffe with God in prayer, I ph?: 3. 21. and, 3. Peace with the goodAngels in heaven, Pfal. 34.7. and 9.1o: Heb.1.14. 4. Peace with GodsChurch, At7s 4. 32. yea, 5. Peacewith all earthly creatures, for their comfortableufe and fervice, lob 5. 23. Hof. 2.18. even, 6. Withwicked men, as yofèph hadin Potiphars houfe and Pharoabs Court, Gen. 3 9. z. &c. and 41.37. &c. and Daniel in the Kings Courtsof Babel and Perfia, Dan. 2. and 5. and 6. and 7. With hurtful) crea- tures, when it makes for Gods glory, in the good of his Church: as we may feeby the three children in the fire,Dau. 3.byDaniel in theLions den, Dan.6.by yonah in theWhales belly, Jonah 2. andby Paul among the Barbarians, when he fhookoftheviper, Ails z8. z.&c. And are not all thefe great bleffings and priviledges ? à Secondly, this teacheth Magiftrates and Ministers, how theyought to carry themfelves in their places, for they are both in the place ofGod fent and fet in by him: as Rom.13. I, 4. z Cor. 5. zo. andMagistrates bear thename ofGod. Pfeil. 8z. i,.6. john i o. 34, 35. Therefore they muff be followers ofGod,fpeak peace to thegodly,deal kindlywith thofe that walkuprightly. Magiftrates muff lookat God: lob 8.2o. He forfakethnot the upright,nor taketh the wicked j thehand: either to /het# kindnefJe, or toJ'.eeldfupport.And Mtmftcrs,.