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Verf. 8. An Expofition ofthe 85. Pfalpne. 65 Miniers, as embafí'adours, muff deliver the will oftheir King andmailer, and as flewards muff give toevery one his due portion, Luke 12.42: which, if it were done,would encourage the good and daunt the wicked. But alas, the contrary prac`life of both marres all, in all eflates. Magi- £rates flretch out the hand to fcorners and drunkards,Hof. 7.5. and beat the good, Ezei;; 34. 3 &c. And minifters, fome by ill teaching, but more by bad living, do ftrengthen the hands ofthewicked, per. 23, 14. and make fad the hearts ofthofe, whomGod hathnot made fad. For admonition, it ferves effectually to all that are deli- The ufe for rows God fhould fpeak peace unto them, to be carefull to admonition, become truly his Saints and people :. for to themGod will fpeak peace and tonone elfe indeed: as Ifaiah 48. 2 2.7here is nopeace, faith my God, to the Wicked. Now , they that would approve themfelves tobe Gods people and Saints, mull do three things. Fiat, by true repentance breakoff the courfe oftheir fins, and turn from every evill way : for elfe Godwill not own themfor his people, Pfal. 5c. 16, 17. They, that live in fin, walk indarknefíe, and fo cannot have fellowfhipwith him, I john I. 6. 2 Cor. 6. 14. Secondly, by rrue faith in Chrift ref#and rely upon Gods mercy,for pardonof finneand falvation : for he, that corn- meth unto God, and hath fellowfhip with him, muff be- lieve, Heb. ì. i. 6. therefore C hrifl bidding his Difciples to believe on him,as they believe on God, ?ohn 14.1. doth encourage them thereto by this,that he is the way,the truth, and the life, by whom alone they muff have accefie to the f cher.verfe6.In whom we have boldneffe,and acceffe with .onfidence, by the faithofhim, Eph. 3.12. Thirdly, walk in new obedience, to teffifie the truth of their repentance and faith : for faith workethby love, Gal. 5.6. And this is the love of God, that we keephis com- madements, 1 Sohn 5.3.. For comfort , it maketh greatly to Gods people and The Uf.Rfó children, in any mifery or trouble, that doth befall them : comfort. ii 3 fcr