66 AmFxpofition of the85. Pftime. Verf.B> for God will fpak peace unto them peace (hall come, Ifa. S7.2. though for a time they be in heavineffe,through manifold temptations, yet believing in Chrift , they rejoyce with joy unfpeakable. i Pet. i. 6, 8. God Will give them beauty for ayes, the oyl ofjoy for mourning, &c. Ifa. 6 i . 3, Onely they muff wait in the Way ofobedience, Pfal. 42.5.1 I. Ifa. 40.31. They that Wait on the Lord fha1l renew their ftrengtb. The fifth But let them not turn again tofolly. A needful! caveat, Obfervation. or item for Gods people, touching their behaviour, where- by they wait for peace from God,they mutt not turn again to folly. By folly he meaneth their (iones, which formerly hadbrought miferie upon them, thereto he wouldnot have them ruin again. In this caveat there are two things to be obferved. Firft, the title given to finne. Secondly , thebehaviour required of Gods people toward it. For the firít, finne is here called follyor foolifhneffe .by the Holy ghoít : fo alto, Prov.22.15. FoolifhnefJe isbound in the heart ofa childe ; that is, corruption flicks falli to the heart and foul by nature, even in childhood. Pfd, 3 8. 5. My woundsftin&, and are corrupt , beeaufeof my fooiifh- neffe : that 1s, becaufe of my finfulneffe. Pfal. 107.17. Fools, beeaufe oftheir tranfgrefon , andbeeaufeof their ini- quities, are afflicted. Prov 26. i r . Asa dog returneth tohis vomit,fo afool returneth tohisfolly: that is, a wicked man returneth tohis finne. The first In reafon this is plain. For firf} , in every finne there is Regan. a rejectingof the word ofGod , which is divine wifdome. ?er. 8. 9. Nay, a forfaking God himfelf , and cleaving to the devil!, which is extreme madneffe. The fecond Secondly , every finne gives a deadly wound to thefoul, Reafon. being indeed the fling ofdeath, z Cor. i 5. 56. See Rom.5. 12. and 6.23. Nowwhobut fools or mad-men , will hurt themfelves ? i veryman that is wife, will be wifefor him- felf, Prov. 9.12. the3Reafos. Thirdly, every finne mutt beundone by repentance, elfe or