Verf. 8. Expofitionofthe85.Pfalme; 67 die the the doingofit will defiroy thefinner. Pfal. 7. 13 . Ifhe turn not , hewill Whethis(word : be bathbent his bonne , andmade itready : he bathalfopreparedfor him the inftruments of death. TheWicked fhall be turned into hell. Pfal. 9. r 7, This (hewsñrft, that the world is full offools : for fin The Ufe for abounds every where,the wholeworld lieth inwickedneffe. in1 ru tion. z roh. 5. i 9. Whichwell confidered , may Rayour hearts from doubtingof Gods providence ; becaufe ofthe gene- rall diforders, that be in the world : feePfal. 75. 3, 4. The earth, and all the Inhabitants thereof are dif folved -- Ifaid unto thefoolsfh, dealnot fofoolifhy, &c. Second'y as wedefire to efcape the brandof folly , fo The life for wemuff becareful] to shun the praeLife of finne and impie- admonition. tie : for finne is folly,and they that commit it deal foolifh- ly : as 2 Sam. 24. io. The rather becaufe of the devils dealing with thefe fools, they are in his hands, and he deals with them , as many times great men in the world do with naturals, make a prey of theireftate, and fport themfelves with their folly : fo the devill makes a prey of their fouls, and fports himselfwith their finnes, whichbe theirfolly : Even as the Philiftimsdeal with Sampfon, pudQ. 16. 15. who turned him to grinde in their prifon houfe , and brought him forth as a laughinghock , tomake them mer- rie. Menmay be wife for theworld, and yet fuch fools for the deviil. Luke 12. 20. The fecond point, here purpofely intended,is this. They, Obfervacivn. that look for peaceand welfare fromGod , mull not turn again to finne. Ter. 18. 9, i o. WhenGod fpeaks concern- inga nation to buildor plant it , iftheydo evill, and obey not his voice, then will he repent of thegoodhe intended for them. Deut. 29. 19, 20. When wicked men bleffe themfelves in their hearts, with a perfwafion of peaceand welfare, and refolve to go on in finne, God will not fpare, but caufe all his wrath and jealoufie to fmoke againft them, till they be deftroyed. His charge unto his people , whom hebrought out ofEgypt, that they fhouldnot return thi- ther