68 sirs Expofitiots of the 85. Pfarce. Verf. 8. ther any more. Deut. 17. i 6. teacheth us, that he cannot endure mens turning back to the fervitude offinne, which was figured by Egyptianbondage : and, as Godpunifhed theJewes, that would needs returne thither, with fword, famine, and penitence till they were del}royed, per. 42. i o, I 6, i 7. fo, hewill not (pare any, that turn back to the fer- vice ofSatan, in the works of finne. The firíi The reafons hereofare foure : Firft, finne being thedead- Reafon. ly difeafeofthe föule, as Rom. 5. 12. and 6. 23. turning back thereto mull needs bea fpirituall relapfe, and fo more dangerous, then corporali, by howmuch fpirituall death is worfe then corporali. Hereupon Salomm faith, He, that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, Jhallfuddenly be de- fitroyed,and that Without remedy, Prov. 29. r. The fecond Secondly, returning unto finne is not only foolilhneffe, iteafon. but indeed mofi bate and brutiíhbehaviour, and therefore is refembled by theHoly Ghoft to thedogs returning to the vomit,and thefowes wallowing again in the myre,after fhe hath beenwafhed, 2 Cor. 2. 21,22. Prov.26. [ 1. The third Thirdly, finneprovokes the Lord toanger, 7er.5.16,77, Reafon. 1 8,19. and fo takes away peacebetween Godand us,Pfal. 38. 3. for it makes us Wicked, and there is nopeace to the wicked, If. 48.22. It(hall not gowell with the wicked, Ec- clef. 8. i 3. A man cannot harden bimfelfagainfl god and profiler, Job9.4. What peacefaith Jehu whileft the whore- domes of Jezabel remain Jet in great number, 2 Kings 9. 22. The fourth Fourthly, as finne brings us into bondage, 2 Tim. 2.26. Rea-on, fo returuing unto it doth renew and ftrengthen this fpiri- tuall bondage, under thedominion ofSatan : as Mat. i 2. 43, 44, 45. When theunclean#irit isgone out ofa man, and returneth again, he taketh With himfeven other fpirits,more snicked then himfelf,and theyenter in, anddwell there,and the /aftfiateof that man is worfe, then thefirfi. And therefore St. Peter fpeakingof filch, faith, betterfor them, never to have kn.oWn the way ofrighteoufne f fe, then to turn from the ha!' Commandment,givenunto them, 2 Pet. 2.21. This