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Verf.8. AnExpofition ofthe 85.. Pf'lme, 69 This fervesfor inffruetion, and for admonition. For inffruaion. Firft, here fee the fearful' meafure of The firfl life mans corruption, in blindnelfe of mind, and hardnefíe of forin(1ruCi- heart, that notwithffanding this divine charge, upon fuch weighty grounds,of fearful! evills accompanying relapfe un- to finne,yet wicked men do judge it, both pleafing and pro- fitable fo to do. In the committing ofit, finne is fweet un- to them. ?ob 20. 12. Hereby they have their wealth, Aar 19. i 5. and hereupon grow defperate in finne : as?er.44 16, 17. This they wouldnot doe, ifthey did fee, or feare the evill offinne. Secondly, this lets us fee the main and generali caufe of The fecood warre abroad, andof the fear thereof,and ofother evills at Ule for in- homein our own land : furely, either they and we havenot ffruai°n- turned from our evil' wayes, orupon force outward Phew thereof, have made revolt and relapfe thereinto again.This we fhould confider,to ffirreupour hearts, to found conver- fion from our finnes, and to conffant refolution againff re- lapfe thereinto. Foradì1 onition, every child of God muff yeeld obedi- Theufe for ence to this holy charge, and beware of turning back to fin; admonition. and, to arme their foules againft relapfe, lay to heart the foure former groundsor reafons. It is no final' matter to tranfgreffe any commandement of God, Pfal. 5o. 16, 17. God difavoweth fuch, from laying claim to covenant with him, and will calf them away, as he did Saul, i Sam. 15. 2 ;. yea defiroy them, Prov, r 3. i 3. Adde alfo this confi- deration, that Gods favour is better then life, Pfal. 63.3. and (hall we lodle it for thepleafüreoffinne ? Then are we not like eArofes, whochofe rather, to fuller affliFtion,with Gods people, then to enjoy the pleafures of (inne for a fea- fon, Heb. 11. 25. nor like Paul, who had rather dye, then loofe his rejoycing, in the furtheranceof the gofpell, by ab- ffaining from a thing lawful!, whichw as outward mainte- nance for preaching, i Cor. 9. 19. what then could have drawn him, todifgrace the gofpell,by returning unto finne? Ifwe well confider ofthefe things,we 'hall fay with yofeph, k k gen.