70 n Bxpofiti®Mofthe85 . Pfaline. 'she. 9, Gen. 39.9. Ho*canwe do thisgreat Wickednef e, and finne againf God. Verfe 9. Surely his falvation is nigh them thatfear him:that glory may dwell in our land? The meaning IN this verfe, and the ref to the endof this Pfalm, are oíthe words. propounded the fpeciall branches of that peace and wel- fare, whichGod vouchfafeth to his peopleand Saints, not returning unto folly. The firft ofthefe is falvat ion,here un- doubtedly attired tobe nigh to thofe, that fear God, and alfo amplifiedby the end,for which Godgives it tohispeo- ple, viz. that glory may dwell amongft them. By falvati- tion, the bleffing prayed for in the feventhverfe, is here meant deliverance and freedome, from all thofeevills and rniferies, that anyway lay upon them: which bleffìng is here undoubtedly Allred, to thofe that fear God. So as in thefiat part ofthe verfe this point is plain. 1'he firs Gods falvation is undoubtedly nigh to thofe that feare Obfervatiod him. Godwill certainly vouchfafe, to fuck as truly feare him, both temporali deliverance, and prefervation from e- vils, and fpirituall and eternall falvation in heaven, Prov. 19. 2.3. Thefeare ofthe Lord tendeth to life, andhe, that bath it, Jhall abidefatrofied : hefhallnot be vifitedwithevil!, Pfal. 2 s . 1 2, 13. HisJóule¡hall dwell at eafe, Pfal. 3 3. i 8, 19. The eye ofthe Lord is upon them that feare him, to deli- ver theirfoule from death, and to keep them alive infamine, Pfal. 31.19, 20. Howgreat is thygoodnefe, Which thou hall laydupfor them thatfear thee ? Thou ¡halt hide them, in the ferret ofthyprefence, from thepride ofman, &c. The firs The reafonhereof isplain. Firft, the true fear of God is leafon. a fruit ofhis holy fpirit : Ifaiah I I. 2. which unites us un- to Chrift, i Cor. 6. 17.and entitles us unto covena nt with him, inthenearer bondof myficallunion, I Cor. 12. 13. Thefecretof the Lord is With them thatfeare him, he will ¡hew them biscovenant, Pfal. 25.14. Now they, that are truly incovenant with God, have true title to all the blef- finsg