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Verf. 9. AnExpeditionofthe 85. Pfalme. fings thereof, even to prefervation r n earth, and falvation inheaven: for there is iso want to them, that fear him. Pfa. 34+ 9 Secondly, the true fear ofGod moves a man to efchew The fecoiid evil', ?ob i. i. Prov. 14. 27. and to cleave unto God in Rego% holy obedience, per. 32. 4c. Now to fuch belong the falva- tion of the Lord. Ails i 3. 26. whofoever arnongFt you fearethGod, untoyou is the wordof thisfalvationfeet. This ferves for initruftion, admonition, and comfort. For inftruaion,it chews the mifèrablecondition of thofe The .lire for that want the fear of God : for falvation mutt needs be inftruaion. far from them. For they , that want the fear of God are wicked, Pfàl. 36. 1. andfalvation is far from them. Pfal. 119. 155. Howfoever it be true in the world , that they, who workwickedneffe, are fet up ; yet it is not fo with God : he puts a difference between thofe that fear him,and thofe that fear him not. Ecclef. 8. i 2, 13. As he did be- tween the Egyptians and the Ifraelites. Exod. 8. 22) 23. For admonition it ferves twowages. Firft, to fearch and The Mt Ilk try, whether we be fuch, as truly fear God, that fo we may for admo. knowGods falvationbelongs unto us. The infalliblemarks nitio14 hereofare three. Firft, a conftant care and endeavour to (hun all finne. Prov. 3. i T. Fear the Lord, and depart from evil. Prov.8.i 3. Thefear ofthe Lord it tohate evill. Prov. 14. 27. Thefear of theLord is a fountainof life, todepart from thefnares ofdeath, This is plainby the contrary, Gen. 20. 12. where the fear ofGod is wanting, there is nocon- fcience offin, Pfd. 3 6. 1. Secondly, truedelight in Gods commandements,teltified by obedience thereto,Pfa. i 12.1. Thirdly, tobe plentifull in all well-doing, according toour places, yob 1. 1, 8. Prov. 14. 2. Secondly, every one that wants the fear ofGod,andde- The i'ecóiad fires his falvation , malt labour toget it :for, though it be ufe for ad- a fruit of the fpirit, Tfaiah i i . 2. yet there is meanes tobe monition. ufed, for the obtainingofit,which is required at our hands, and that is confideration and prayer. The confideration is two-fold : Firft and principallyof God himfeif : Second- lyofour ferves, kk 2 Our 7!