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72 An Expofitionof the 85 . Pfalme. Verfg. Our confideration ofGod refpeftethhis properties and his works. His fpeciall properties tobe confidered for this end are fixe. Firdl, his infinite greatneffe , which doth evince his pre- fence. See Pfd. 145..3. great is the Lord, &c. i Kings 8. 27. Ter. 23.24. NowGods prefence is fearful/. Gen.z8. 16, 17. Secondly, his infinite wifedome,whereby he knoweth all things, even the moll hidden thoughts. Pfal. 147. 5. His underftanding is infinite : and P/al. I ; 9.2,3. Thou under- flandefl my thoughts a farce off , &c. Hebr. 4. 13 4/1 things are nakedand opened unto the eyes of him withWhom we have to do. Thirdly, his infinite puritie and holineffe, whichcannot admit fellowfhip with the leaf finne. i 7ohn i 5. God is light , and in him is nodarkneffeat all : And z -Cor. 6.14. What communionhath light with darknefe ? Fourthly, his power and jufice ; both which make him a confuming fire againf finne. Hob. 12. z 8,29. with Mat. I o. 28. Fiftly, his merciein pardon and forgiveneffe. Pfal.13o.. 4. There isforgivenefJ' with thee, that thou maifi befeared. WhereonNoah being moved with fear, prepared an Ark, &c. Heb. II.7. Sixtly, hisworks ofpower and wifdome and jufice : as, Pfal. 89. 7,. God isgreatly tobefeared in the affemblyof the . Saints, &c. Pfal. 139. 1 3,14. fpecially the day ofjudgment. Ecclef.12. 13 ,14. Fear Godfor God will bring every work into judgement. As 24.25. As he reafoned ofrighteouf- neffe,temperance andjudgement to come, Felix trembled. Our confiderationofour felves is ofour own frailtie and vanitie : being but dull and afhes. Gen:18.27. For all fiefh is graffe , and all the goodlineffe thereofas the flower of ofthe field. If. 4o. 6. And every man , at his bell eflate , is altogether vanity, Pfal. 39. 5. Withconfederationwe muf joyn prayer : for that fan- aifies.all Gods ordinances , i Tim. 4, 5. i Cora3.6. and obtain.