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Verf. 9. An Expofrtionofthe 85. Pfalrxe. obtaineth the fpirit , Luke 1l. 13. whichworketh Gods fear, Ifa. I I. 2. For comfort it makes greatly to thofe that ferve God The Ufe for truly : for, when theyare in any difreflè or miferie, they comfort, mull think upon the priviledgeof this grace , and that will minifter comfort unto them, to know, that Gods falvation is neer unto them. Thatglory may dwell in our land.] Theend, for which Cod fends his falvation to his people, that do feare him, namely, that glory maydwell in their land. By glory , he rneaneth. an happie and honourable citate , bothof Church and Commonwealth, in freedome from evils, and fruition ofbleflings, both fpirituall and corporal]. By dwelling in their land is noted, the long continuanceof the fame blef- fings amongft them. Here then note : That God would have thevery landof The fecond his people, that truly fear him , to abide and continue in a Obfervatzon, glorious eftate. Gods falvation doth therefore come unto them, that they may be renowned for glorious eftate, in a- bundance of bleflings continued among them. Deut.1.29. Oh,that therewerefuch anheart in my people,that they Would fear mealwayes, that it might go well with them , and With their childrenfor ever. Pfal. 81.13, &c. Oh, that my peo- ple hadhearkened unto me, &r Ifael hadwalked in my wait's, &c. The like is, Ifa. 48. 18. and Pfal. 72. 7. The reafons hereofare two : Firft, flach as fear God are The fifth his by covenant. Mal. 3.17, They 'hall be mine , faith the Reafon. Lord even his fonnes and daughters. 2 Cor. 6.16. Now, a naturali father deliires the honour , and advancement of his natural] children,much more thenwill God do it: Zak., II. 13. Secondly , God taketh pleafure in thole. that fear him. The feeoñd= P f al . 147. I . He loveth theirpro f eritie, anddelighteth to Reafon. make themglorious and renownedabove others : as, 6;1435. 27. and Pf..149.4. He mill 6eautifie themeek Withfaluati- on. PfaL44. I , 2, 3 . Becaufe thouhadt afavour unto them. Pí.84.1 I..He uafun andafhield, hegives grace andglor y. 3 XHow 73