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74 The fir ft ilk for in- $rudien. 4$Lxpofitionof the g5 . Pfalme. Verf.9. ,. Howcomes it to paffe, that Gods people, fearing God, are yet fometimes in great contempt, and reproach : as, P.141. 44. IC), &c. a Cor. 4. 9, &c. tlufw. This may be, either for triall ofgrace, as in 74: orfor correthon for finnes committed by them , orby the wicked that liveamong them : as Pfal.44. I C, i 1 . or elfe, to giveway to the wicked, in fpite to them, to fulfill their finnes, for fpeedier judgement : as, t Thef. 2.16. For thefe reafons, the outwardglory ofGods childrenmay be eclip- fed ; but yet even thenare they glorious with God thro igh. grace : as, Ifa.49. 5, and one day íhall it be made manifett, as is promifed, I,ra. F t . 3. This ferves for inflruiion, admonition, and comfort. For inftruc`fion two wayes. Firít, it !Hewes again the great benefit of true pietie , as is noted before onYerf. 7. GodsfalvationArta make them glorious, that trulyfear God. Take a view of the heads and branches of their renown : whereof the firli and chiefeíf is, the fruitionof the true God himfelfin Chrift, who is the great gloryofthofe that truly fear him. He is thegloryoftheirftrength, Pfal. 89. t 7. the glory ofhis people, Luke 2.32. He is the King of glory : even coming into their hearts, and dwelling in them, and with them : Pfal. 24.7, &c. compared with, ?ohn 14.2 3. Thou, O Lord, art afbieldforme : my glory, and the lifter up of mine head, Pfal. 3.3 The fecond branch oftheir renown and glory, that tru- ly fear God, is the fruitionofGods Pavingordinances , of true religion, and holy worfhip, vouchfafed to thofe that fear God, as a meanes to bring them to grace and glory. This was the prerogativeof the Jews under the law : Pfal, 147.19,2o. Rom.3. í,2. The prefence of the Arkwas to them a great glory : as 1 Sam. 4. 2.1, 22. and fo is the Go- fpel unto us. 2 Thef f.2.1 , 14. Thirdly,glorydoth here comprehend thegood blefíings of Gods providence , appertaining to outward eftate: which, beingenjoyed, make men renowned and glorious in this world, as victory ,peace, plenty, and the like: where- of