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Verf.9. do.xpofitionofthe 85. Pfalme: offee fully, Teat. 28. i. &c. to i 5. All which, attending thofe that fear the Lord, Phew plainly the great worth of their piety. Which, well obferved, will arme us againfi the errour and reproach ofcarnall men, that account it a vain thing to be godly, yob 21. 15. (Mal. 3. 14. andwill make us fayand thinkwith Paul, that godlineffe is profitable to all things, I Tinr.6.6. having the promifes of a double life, I Tim. 4.8. Secondly, fee here, who be the true friends to the peace The fecoid in- and profperity ofany place, as Kingdome, Town, or Fami- ter ífuftion. ly ; namely, fuch as feareGod : for they bring glory to the place oftheir abode. God in Chrift is with them : to them belong the holy ordinances ofgrace and glory, and alfo all comfortablebleflings ofGodsprovidence, refpecding tem- . porall welfare : as before is (hewed. Hence God faid to i'- 6raham,the father of the faithful!, Thou(halt be a bleffing, Gen. 12.2. which alfo belongs to his godly pofterity. Lot was fo to Sodem, Gen. 19. 22.2acob to Laban, Gen. 30.37. 7ofeph to Potipharr houfe, gen. 39. 2, 3. and to the landof Egypt, Gen. 41. 3 8. &c. Not fo thewicked : they trouble the Rate and place where they live : as Achan, 7of. 7.25. and Ahab, 1 Kings 18.18.7hey confult ¡hame to their oWn houfes, Hab. 2. a o. as Elies wicked fonnes did bring ruine on their fathers houfe, z Sam. 2. 30. &c. and 3. 13, 14. The (inner, beingan hundredyeares old, fhallbeaccurfed. Ifaiah 65. ae. and leavehis name for a curfe, verfe 15. For admonition twowages. Firlf, to every one, to be- The Srft wareof thofe things, that move God to take away glory tire ad- monition. from a land and thefe are efpecially three. Firfi, Idola- try : fee Ezell; 9. there is their horrible idolatry, andchap. I -o. 4. the Lord begins to depart. Secondly, impiety and prophaneneffe in thePriefts andMiníáters of God, i Sam. 2. 17. compared with chap. 4. 21, 22. Thirdly, Barren- neffe in the people, when they profit not by the word of God, Mat. 21.43. Secondly, to examine our felves throughly, whether we The fecônd have the true fear of. God 1-Afore our eyes. The wayof life for ad. tryall , mónitivn. 75