76 AnExpofition of the 85. Pfalme. Verl. io. tryallis (hewed before, in the firíc admonition on the firft point of this verle. The Ufe for For comfort, it makes greatly to thole, that have the comfort. true fear ofGod in their hearts : they are furelyentitled to glory. Though they may want it in this world : as i Cor. 4. 9, 13. yet, in the world to come, they (hall have it, z Tim. 4. 8. Mat. 9.28,29. Luke 16.25. Verfe i o. (Mercy and truth are met together : righteouf- nefe andpeace havekifed each other. The meaning T n this verfe,thofe & that follow to the endof this Pfalm, of the words. the Prophet doth particularlymake infFance in fundry- garcious bleffings,whichGodvouchfafeth to thole that fear him, as beams ofthat glory, whichhe will have to dwell amongft them, whenhe fends them his falvation. Thefe bleffings he Still propounds by couples, whereof this verfe containeth two, mercy and truth, righteoufneffe and peace: whichbeing here Aimed, without any fpeciall limitation, fromGod, or man alone,I think wemay fafely take them, in that latitudeof fenfe, which may comprehendmercy and truth, righteoufneffe and peace, both divine and humane: that is,as they arevouchfafed fromGod to men,and allo as they are exercifed betweene man and man : the rather be- caufe, whereeither way thefe be wanting, glory doth not dwell there. Their meeting together, and killing each o- ther, are borrowed termes, ferving to expreffe, more figni- ficantly, the fweet and comfortable continuance of thefe gracious bleffìngs, among(( that people, whom God will makeglorious by his falvation. The frti Now then, underfianding the words in this large fenfe, 04ervation, wehave tonote in them there particulars. Firf't that with whomfbever true glorymakes abode,unto them both Gods mercy, and Gods truth, are undoubtedlyvouchfafed. Gods mercy is his gracious and favourable acceptanceofthem for 31 his people, and his kind dealing with them, being received into covenant : and Gods truth is his faithful! performance -of