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88 fixExpofition ofthe85. Pfalme. Verf.to. well fay ofthem all, This their glory is their /home. Phil. ; . 19. For in fharne and confufion will they all end, without Paving grace : as we may fee in Babel , the glory of King- domes,If, r 3.19,&c. er.5 +.6,7. and in `Dives, the picture or patternofworldly wealthy Epicures. We For admonition, it ferves effeclually both to people in fur admoni- generall, inTownes and Kingdomes, and to perfons in por- tion. ticular in every farnilie: that ,if they delire true glory,{houid dwell among them, theymake iîrre, that Gods mercy and truth do meet together with them, and in them. Now this mercy arid truth is revealed in the word of thegofpell, and indeed in the preaching of the gofpell is offered unto all that hear it, Tit.2. r r. They therefore that receive,believe, andobey thegofpell, have Gods mercy and truth to meet among them, and in them : and if their faith do work by love, Gal. 5.6. and their love be (hewed by keeping Gods commandements, r yohn 5.3. then they need not doubt of their glorious eflate in. Gods eíleem. It is true, the world derides this courfe and counfeil, and think it a vain thing, (Aral. 3. 4, 15. they call the proudhappy, &c. but wife- dome itjuilifledofher children, Mat. r 1. 19. and they that make tryall fhall find the comfort and affurance ofit. The Ufe for For comfort, it make; greatly to the godly , in whofe comfort, hearts mercy and truth are met together, againfl the con- tempt and repaoach ofthe world : for it is as the hou(hol_ hers kind welcome, againfl the barkingof hisdogs. Let us therefore be of Pauls mind, i Cor. q. 3. With me it is a veryfmall thing, that I fhould bejudgedofyou, or ofmans judgement : and we (hall feel hiscomfort, Rom. 8.18. I neck, n, that theft,'f ferings ofthis prefent time, are not worthy to be compared with theglory, that (hall be revealed in sss : and aCor. .4. 17. Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, work,ethfor us afarce more exceeding, andeternall weight ofglory : and of Davids, z Sam 6. ar, 22. It Was beforethe Lord, cc.andI willyet be more vile then this, erc. The reedid Secondly, herenote alto, that where aslate or people, or enervation.