Verf. io. AnExpojition ofthe85. Pfalrre. or particular perfon , be truly glorious before God , there mercy and truth, between man and man , mutt be duly and confcionably praftifed: They that are beautified with Gods grace and favour,andother bleflings ofthe covenant, mull anfwer Gods goodneflè with the exerciCe of mercy and faithfulneffe towards their brethren : 2 Cor. 4. 1. As we have receivedmercy oftheLord, wefaint not ; meaning,we labour faithfully,tobring others to theparticipationof the fame mercy. Sec it notably praCtifed byDavid, Ffal.y t. 13. Have mercy upon me , O Cod and then mill I teach tranfgref fours thy wages, &c. As, Pfal. i o I . t. Iwill fng efinerty and judgement : Pfal. 26. 3. Thy loving kindnef%e is before me, andIhaveWalked in thy truth. The reafonhereof is plain : Firft, Gods graces,and bief- The firft tangs towards his children, are in a marvellousmanner ope- Keaton. native in them, caufing them todo the like towards their brethren : feeExod. 34. 29. when c 'Wofes had converted with the God ofglories in the Mount, he received glory into his countenance ; which madehis face to thine before thepeople : and fo , we all behold the gloryof the Lord in Chrift, withopen face , and are transformed into the fame image, fromglory toglory : z Cor. 3. t 8. his love in Chrif[ , coní}raineth us to love mens fouls, and to Peek theirconverfion: fee, 2 Cor. S. 14, &c, Gal. 1.15,16,17. Pfal.1 6.2,3. Secondly,the want ofmercy and truth towards our bre- The fecoñd thren, declares us tobe delituteof true graces, and liable Reafog to Gods difpleafure : Hof. 4. 1, 2. Godbatha controverfe with the inhabitants ofthe land, becaufe there is no truthnor mercy, &c. This ferves for inlruetion, admonition, and comfort. For inftruc`}ion, it fhewes plainly, that mens behaviour The Ufe for and cariage towards their brethren, will difcover and ma- infiruftion. nifeft their fine and condition before God. A conPant courfe in theexercife of mercy and truth toward men , by thofe, that live in the Church, and profeffe the truth,fhews plainly, that God in Chrift bath extendedmercy and truth. 11 2 towards 89