So An Expof'ïtion of the 85. Pfattne. Verf. z o. towards them : and fo for othergraces. As we have recei- vedmercy, thefaint not : 2 Cor. 4. I. Meaning, in faithful! difpenfation ofthe truth, to bring others to theparticipi Lion of the fame mercy : for the love of( hriff conílraineth us : i Cor. 5. 14. See 7ohn 3. 14. Hence are thofe ex- hortations to love and mercy : (.2/faith 5. 44, 45. Luke 6. 36. E,ph. 5. r. Theufe for For admonition , that we give our felves to theexercife admonition. ofmercy and truth toward our brethren , if we define af- firance ofGodsmercy and truth to our own fouls : elfe we difcredit Gods works of grace , whereof we make profef fron , if no fruit thereof appear towards our brethren. Thofe,in whom the devil! works by fiuggeflion,and tempta- tion unto evil, are very forward and bold to draw others untoevil!: and fhall not the power of Gods fpirit in grace, be as mighty in the godly , to move them to well doing ? Seehow Paul laboured for thegloryof God in the con- version ofothers , when he had once tailed ofgods mercy and grace in his own. t Cor. i 5. I o. AFIs 2 D. 24. 2 Cor. Ir. 28, 29. Phil. z. 17. The Ufe for Forcomfort, it makes greatly to thofe, that give them- tomfort. felves to the exercife of mercy and truth towards their bre- thren : for they shall finde mercywithGod, and the truth of his promifes shall bemade goodunto them : fee ram. 2. 13. Mercy rejoyceth again.ft judgement. Ilighteoufaefe and peace havekffedeach other. The fe- cond couple of heavenly bleffings , molI afluredly vouchfa- fed in Chrills kingdome,to all that truly fear God: which, as the former , being generally propounded , without any limitation to God, or man alone ; I take fo largely , as to comprehend, both Gods righteoufnefl'e and peace, vouch- fafed untomen , and the righteoufneffeand peace , which menare to exercife and profecute one towards another: be- caufe indeed, ifeither of thefe be wanting , the glory of Gods falvation is not yet come : Now , their killingone another is, a metaphoric:ll phrafe taken from lovers, and friends meeting together, who ufe togreet one another with