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Verf, io. An Expofrtion ofthe 85. Pfalme. with a kiffe of love, here ferving very fitly to fet out the Tweet accord andcomfort ofgrace, amongft Gods people. Here thenwe have tonote two things,touching the ftate ofGods people in Chrills kingdome ; truely fearing God, for their comfortable fruition of righteoufneffe and peace: Firlt, that they have thefe graces truly vouchfafed unto them fromGod : Secondlv,that they do molt lovingly and fweetlyexcrcife the fame one towards another. For the firft, in Chrifls kingdome , God cloth moil lo- The third vingiybellow on thofe, that truly fear him , bothhis righ- Obfervation. teoufneffe and his peace. Gods righteoufneffe,beffowed on his people, is not hisown divineof entiall righteoufneflè,for that indeed is infinite, and incommunicable ; but it is the righteoufneife of Chrill, as he is Mediatour, God and man, which he fulfilled for his redeemed , and is accepted ofGod as theirs, that do truly believe. Confider Heb.7.2. Phil. 3. 9. 2 Cor. 5. 21. I Cor. I. 3o.. 7er. 23. 6. And Gods peace, fweetly accompanying the fame, is peace of confcience, a fweet perfwafion ofreconciliation , and foof love and favour with God in Chrifl. Rom. 5. i. Being juflifiedby faith, We havepeace WithGod. Rom.1417. His kingdome_gands not inmeat anddrink¿, but in righteoufnef e andpeace. The reafonhereofis in God alone. Firfl,hebeiowes on TheReafor;, his Church, righteoufneffe in Chriíl, tomake away for his mercy, by the fatisfyingof his jn1}ice : for all have finned, and fo in themfelvesare unable of glory. Rom. 3.23. The unrighteous cannot inherit the kingdome of God. i Cor. 6.9. Therefore God , intending in mercy to free his elect from hell,which their fins did deferve; and tobring them to hea- ven, which for want ofrighteoufneffe , they of themfelves could neverattain unto, doth bellow upon them Chrifts perfect righteoufneffe as he is Mediatour, both ac`live and paffive, that by his fufferings,theymight be freed fromhell, Gal. ;. 13. and by his obedience , in doing all that the law required, for them, might bemade righteous, and fo wor- thy oflife, Rom. 5. 19. and 8.3o. and io. 4. Then with I l 3 righteouf-