91 A»Expáßtìe$ofthe 8 g . P[alme. VerL laï righteoofneffe hee gives peace ofconfcience, by the workof his Ho''y Spirit, that thofe, who feare him, may have con- fidenceand boldneffe with God in prayer, i yoim 3. r9.. 21. and alto may have in them matter of,ftay andcom- fort, againft thehatred, and contempt, and perfecutionof the world, Yam 16.33. This fervesfor initruetion, admonition, andcomfort.. The first For inftrutlion : firft , fee the bountifulnefleof God in life for in- Chriít Jefus towards thofe , that fear him : he multiplies firtrftion heavenly bleffings in great varietie and abundance;he adder grace to grace, and that by couples, mercy and truth, righ- teoufneffe andpeace : Well maywe faywith the Prophet, Pfd. 33. ç . The earthis fall of the loving kindnefe of the Lord. Pfal. 86. z 5. Thouart aGodfaallofcompaffïon , and gracious , longfuf'ering, andplenteoru inmercy and truth: Pfal. 130.7. With the Lord is mercy , wsthhim is plenteous redemption. The riches ofhisgrace, and mercy inChris, are unfearchable. Ephef. 3. 8. That which he faid to CJbfofes, Exod. 33. i 9. he doth fully accomplifh in Chrift ; I will make all my goodnefepaf fe before thee: It pleated thefather that in him fhouldallfulneired 1 oel. Col. i .19. And , ifhe Oarednot his ownfonne, butrave himfor us, howflailnot he With himgiveus all things alto ? Rom. 8. 32. ,Ru. What (hall wefay to thefe things ? Rom. F. 31. Anfw. Surely , we muff labouttowalk worthy of the Lord, unto all pleafing, Col. i. io. and in fome meafure la- bourto anfwer Godsbounty : which requires; firft,conver- fon from finne ; Rom. 2.4 fecondly, loveto theword of grace, a Pet. 2. 2, 3. Thirdly, that we admire Gods good- neffe, Pfd. 3 I. 9. Pfd. i 16. I z. Fourthly, that we praife him for it : Pfd. 136. throughout and Pfal. 145.1,7,crc. Ephef. t .3. Fiftly, that we order our livesaright. Rom. 1 2. I. Thishath the promifeofGods,falvation. Pfal. 50. 2.3. The fecond Secondly , fee here plain evidence ofthe miferable ftate Ufe for in- ofall unrighteous perlons , that keep a courfe in finne : un- doubtedly Gods falvation is not come unto them : for he, that is the fervant offihne, is quit or freed from righteouf' neffe;