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Verf. to. d,, Expofitista ofthe8 . Fra1me neffe; Rom. 6.2o. and falvation is farre from fuck. P,fal'.. i I9: 155. neithercan they have any true peace. I/48.t2, Thirdly, here fee both evidence and afiùrarce for :hofe, The third that fear God and believe in him through Chrift ; of their üfe fer in- bleffed and happy ewf. ateof falvation : for Gods righteouf- íiruftion. neflè and Gods peace do kiffe in their fouls. fly faith they aremade riohtcoru in Chrif , Rom. 3.28. Gal. '. i t, 24. and, When they areju f i fed,they have peace withGod. Rom. 5. t. For Godó'ives both joy andpeace its believing, Rom.t 5. 13. Papifs call it a docîrine ofprefiimption , to lay claim to the knowlcdg and affuranceof falvation, byordinary grace : But Wifdome`is jufiified ofher children,Aíath. i 1. R. IfWe receive the witneffecfmen , the wirnejj'e ofGod ii grater : for this is the witnefe ofGod Which he bath tefiified ()fhb-forane. He that believe.th on thefonrreofGod , bath the Witraeffe in hirnfelf And this is the witnefie, that God hath given to us eternal' life. There things have Iwritten unto you, that believeon thenameofthe SonneofGod, thatyemay ,iotx, that ye have eternal' life. i John 5. 9, Ic, I t, 13. Adde i Cor. 2. 12. with Rom. 6.23. andRom. E. ¡6, I7. And by effects, I yohn 3. 14. 2 Pet. 1. 5, &c. For admonition, this ferves of eftually to move all thofe The life for that delire in their foules the true comfort of peace with admonition.. God, to labour tobe partakers ofGods righteoufneffe: for righteoufneffeand peace do kiffe one another. He, that is made righteous by faith in Chrift, {hall likewife by the fame faith have peace withGod through Chri,I : for he is our peace, Eph.2.1 4. he makes peace by theblond of hiscrofe, Co/of. 1. 2o. therefore at his birth the Angels lung, Glory toGodon high,and in earthpeace : Luke 2.14. Now Chrilts righteoufneffe is madeours by faith. Gal. 2.16. Knowing, that a man is not jufìified by the works ofthe law , but bf the faith ofJefus Chrift , even we have believed in jeftús Chrift, that we might be ¡unified by the faith of Chrift. .Now thisfaith ss the Workofthefpirit,z Cor.4.1 3.in the mi. nif ti ery ofthe Gypel,Rom. i o.Iy.aud ¡heweth it f elfto be true bygood works, of love toGodandto our brethren. Gal.5.6. For