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84 The life for Comfort. The fou: th Obfervation. The Reafon. An Expofitioî of the 85. Pfalose. Verf. io. For comfort,this makes greatly to thofe, that truly feat God , profeffing the Gofpel , they undoubtedlybe righ- teous before God, and in him, they íhail have peace , lobs 16.33. 1.4.57. I,2. Secondly, here note, that Chrillian righteoufneffe and peace are confcionably exercifedbetween man and man, of all thofe, that fear God , living in his Church : fee Ifa. I I.. 6, 7, 9. Thewolffull dwell with the Lamb none fhall hurt nor deiroy inall my holy mountain : fee inftance, .Als 2. 44, 46. and in Paul, Alts 9.1,&c. with verf. 6. and chap. 20. verf. 24. Phil. 2.17. The reafonhereof, is in the powerfull work of Gods fpirit, which gives them an holycalling; and therein doth fI;,due corruption fo farre , that finne (hall not raign n them, to keep them in the pradife of injuftice and conten- tion, and alto doth renew the graces of Gods image in the foul, which Stands in righteoufneffe and true hoiinciie , and fets them into the kingdome of Christ , which is righteouf- neffe and peace, Rom. 14. 17. This ferves for initru'tion, admonition, and comfort. For inftru`ìion : firlt feeby the contrary the fearful! cafe of thofe , that give themfelves to the prEtice andcontention : they are not yet called of Gel IA, an holy calling , b't remain in the fearful! cafe of corrupt na- ture : fee, Rohs. I. 28-; 29,31. for Foradmonition,that as we delire the comfort and affu- ranceofGods fa lvation, fo we confcionably giveour felves to the praéi ife ofthefe vertues, of righteoufneffe andpeace towards our brethren. for For comfort to thofe, that confcionably follow peace and righteoufneffe amongft men : it is a comforta' -- ranee ; that Godhath bellowed on them , righteoi.1ne and peace withChrift. The Life for ìnf(ruftion. Th: U.fe atdmoc;ition The de comfort. IArfe