Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

Verf t Expefition((the 85. PfaZntg Verf. i r . TruthJhallfiringout ofthe earth, andrighteouff neffe Jhall lookdown Promheaven. Fcaufe the graces and bleflings of Chrifls kingdome, The reaititig mentioned in the former verfe, beofgreat worth and of the words. comfort, and indeeddo manifeft the pretence ofhis falva- tion thereforedoth the Prophet here further infft in two cif them,truthand righteoufnefe ; lettingus know, whence thefe two (hall Phew themfelves , to wit , the one from earth, the other from heaven. For the fiat , Truth (hallfiring out of the earth. The truth here fi,oken of nnift needs be fuch,as doth accompany Gods falvation in Chriít; and that is true and faithfull dealing, both in word znd deed. The fpringing ofit out of the earth, is the plain and certain evidence thereof, in the livesand a.`fions ofmen : earth being here put by a Meto- nyimieof the fubjeelc, for men that dwell thereon : as if he fhould have faid; It is fo certain that mercy and truth fhall meet, that truth in word and deed; true and faithfull deal- ing, fhan be plainly and plentifully exercifed amongmen, living here onearth. Mark then, that in Chriíls kingdome, when Gods fal- The ñrft vation comes to men , true and faithfull dealing in word Çhfervation.' and deed, fhall be plainlyand p:.-itifully exercifed , hereon earth, between man and man. Pfal. 15. 2. Everycitizen of Chrifts kingdome,fpeaketh the truth in his heart. Ezek; I 8.9. They that lookto live with God, mutt. deal truly. Z_ch. 8.3. yerufalem, which is Gods true Church , isa tie tie oftrot,). r Cor. 5. 8. The Chriftians Palfeover, is not thefe<ft of f after Week, but a life led in finceritie and truth. The reafon hereof is plain. Firft , God , who fends his The fiirfi falvation, is a Godof truth, Pfal. 3 i . 5. fr. ro. To. He Reafon. is truth, Pfd. 51. 6. and is a teacher ofall thofe, whom he means to fave. Ifa. 54. r 3. ?ohn 6. 3 5. Now, this is his leffon, that his people fhould love the truth , Zech. 8.29. mm and