86 4;11 expoftion of the85. Pfalme. Verf.i y. and fpeak the truth every man to his neighbour, verfe 16. The feconnd Secondly, when God fends his falvation to men, hee R.eafon, beftowes upon them his holy fpirit, which is the fpirit of truth, ?ohn 14. 17. leading men into all truth, Sohn 16.13. whofe fruit is in all truth, Eph.5 .9. The third Thirdly, when God fends his falvation to men, he gives Reafon. them his wordof truth,both law and Gofpell. For the law fee, c'fal. 2.6. The law truth was in his mouth : And the Gofpell is the wordoftruth, Eph. i . 13. This word of truth, being fowen in theground of our hearts, and wate- red by the dewofgrace, fprings up and growes, as good feed in good ground. This ferves for inftruckion, admonition, and comfort. The &rf} For inftrudion : Firft fee here , how powerfull the Ufe for in- work ofGod is in the hearts ofmen,in the minifiery of the firu Lion. word, blefhed by thefpiric, it changeth their very nature, which of it felf is full of all unrighteoufneffe, and loveth ly- ing and untruth : as Rom. I. 29. The fecond Secondly, fee here, towhom Gods falvation is come, irruftion.f whofe State Godmakes glorious in grace, namely, thofe, that having the word of truth among% them,receive there- with that bleffingofthe Spirit,that they love truth in their hearts, and pra6tife it in their lives. Eph. 4 24, 25. But as for thofe, that makeno confcience oftrue and upright dea- ling among men, undoubtedly they areout of ods King- dome and Rateofgrace, having the devill for their God : fee, john 8.44. Rev. 21.8. and 22. 15. This doth charge a fearfull flute upon the pillars of Popifh Religion, who maintain and pra&ife equivocation and officious lyes. Sec and apply to them, 2 Theff. 2.9,10. 1 Tim.6. 5. s Tim, 3. 8. Tit.1.14. Gods true fervants in theMinifterycan do nothing againit the truth, but for it, 2 Cor.13.8. The Ufe For admonition to every one,that lives in GodsChurch, for admoni- that we labour to feele in our hearts the love of the truth, A° and to expreffe the fpringing and growing of it in our lives, byour words, and by our deeds : wherein we con- frrionablyf andcan4antly, both speak the tut% and dothe