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Verf. i i. An Expofition efthe 85. Pfalmeá truth, elfe we thall not feel, nor manifelt Gods falvation tobe come unto us How canhe fay the God oftruth is his God, andhath taught him, or that the fpirit of truth is gi- ven to him, which leads men into all truth, whole fruit is in all truth, or that the word oftruth, as good feed , was fowen in hisheart, who makes no co.nfcience of truth in word and behaviour. See the Apoftles preffingof this du- ty, Eph. 4. 25. uponverfe 20,21,22,23,24. which fhewes alfo the way and means, whereby it muff be attained. For confolation, thismakes greatly to all thofe,that fpeak e1h; UTe foe the truth, and deale truly with their bretheren, ina con- ftant and confcionable courfe ; for this fhewes, that Gods falvation is comeunto them, that the God oftruth is their God : that the fpirit oftruth is given them, and the word of truth is fanttified unto them. AndrighteoufnefJ'e fhallloolZdoWn from heaven.] Here he fhewes, whence comes that true righteoufneffe, whereby filch asfear God in the Church, mu,{t be juftified and faved, namely, from heaven. This righteoufneffe isthe righteouf- neffe of Chrift, asmediatour, who as God is fromheaven , and is revealed unto men in theGofpell,which is a doârine from heaven.as .Mat. 2z. 2 c.withCal. r. i r, z 2. Mark then, WhenGods falvation comes to men here onearth, he The tecond fhewesunto them the righteoufneffeofChrift,whichis from Ohrervation. heaven, Rom. 3.21,22. The righteoufnefe of god, Without the law, is manifefled, being witnefed by the lawand the Prophets. Even the righteoufne f f'e ofGod, which is by the faithof 7efusChrift, unto all, anduponall them 'that believe. This he doth for the praifeofthe glory of is grace, in The Reafo; faving (inners, with full fatisfadion to his juftice. For the unrighteous (as all areby nature. Rom 3. 9, o.) cannot in- herit the Kingdome of eJod therefore, what the law could not do, becaufewe could not fulfill it, Codprovides to be done for hisele t in Chrift, Rom.8.3. and, when they believe, makes them partakersofit, that fo he that rejoy- ceth might rejoyce in theLord. t Cor. 1.3o, 31. forboa- íting is taken awayby the law offaith. Rom.3.27. m m 2 This