$8 The fir ft Ike for in- itrudion. The iccond lite for in- firuftion, The ufe for 'admonition. An £xpofitionof the85. Pfalme. Verf. s it; This ferves for inflru&ion, admonition, and comfort. Forinfruc`fion two wayes. Firft, it fhewes unto us the unfpeakable riches ofGods wifdome, grace, and goodneffe in Chrift Jefiis to his eleé : ofwifdome, in finding out this way of juftification to a firmer, which no created nature couldof it felfever conceive. r Cor. 2. 7, 9. of grace and goodneffe, inbellowing the fame freely on his elet, i Cor. ß.3c. 2 Cor. 5.21. Secondly, this fhewes us the fearful( judgement ofblind- neffe of mind,lying on the Church of Rome at thisday,who are fo farre from beholding this righteoufneffe,which looks down from heaven, that they deride it,calling it a new no- juftice, a phantaflicall apprehenfionof that which is not, a falfe faith, and untrue imputation. Rhem. on Rom. 3.22. Nay, they Phew fuch enmity unto it, that they pronounce them accurfed, who by true faith reif, and rely upon it a- lone for juílification before God. Concil. Trill. Seff.6, can. 9. I0,r I,I 2. Of them is that fpitituall judgement verified, Rom. Ix . 8. Clod bathgiven them the fpirit offumber, eyes that theyfhould notfee, and eares, that they fhouldnot heave. They, like Ifrael, following after the lawof righteouf- neffe, havenot attained to the lawof righteoufneffe. Why? Becaufe they Peek it not by faith,but as it were by the works of the law, Rom. 9,3 r. They being ignorant ofGods righ- teoufneffe,andgoing about to fiablifh their own righteouf- neffe,havenot fubmitted themfelves to the righteoufneffe of God : for Chrifl is the endof the law for righteoufneffe, to every one that believeth. Rom. r o. 3,q. Well therefore may we fay of them, Hear, ye defpifers, andWonder,andvaniß a- way : the vailehangs overyour eyes, When the Go#ell is read :Into thisday. God bathPent upon them ftrongdelufions to believe lyes, becaufe they havenot received the love of the truth, 2Theft. 2.9,10. For admonition, it ferves very effecually to all, that live in the Church of Chrift, to take notice of this bounty of God, in revealing by the Gofpell this righteoufnefie of Chrrit,that we mayendeavour towalkworthyofthe fame: Firû,