Verf. t z . An Expofrtion ofthe 85. Pfalose: Firft,in labouring to conceive rightlyofthis righteoufnesof Chrilt,whichGod cauffth to look down fromheaven. se- condly,in giving all diligence to bemade partakersthereof: both thefefee in]) aul,Phil.3.9,i o, t i .Indeed i hey areboth the gift ofGod, but yet in the ufe ofmeanes, the word and prayer,wherein we mint wait for thework ofthefpirit as the poor did at the pool ofBethefda,for the movingof thewater, ?ohn 5. 1,2,3. The L7fe for For comfort, it makes greatly to thofe, that knowChrift comfort. crucified, and do rest and rely upon his merits for ¡unifica- tion and falvation. Oh, God hath done great things for them : fee Mat. 13. i6. Blefed areyour eyes, for theyfee, andyour cares,for they henre. Verfe 12. Yea, the Lordfhallgive that Which is good : and our land(hallyeeldher encreafe. HEre the Prophet proceedeth in expreflìng further Ihe nguninb bleflîngs,that accompanyGods falvation in theKing- of the words, dome ofgrace. The bleffings here mentioned are of two forts: Firft from the Lord, then from the earth. From the Ldrd,in thefewords, yea, the Lordwill give that which is good : herehe meaneth whatfoever gift or Melling is good forhis people, whether it be fpirituall or temporali : for fo largely is the word here ufed taken in Scripture, as we flail fee in the confirmation of the point here tobe obferved, which is this. WhenGod fends amongmen his falvation in Chrift, he The firíf will giveto filch as fear him, whatfoever is good for them, Obfervation.` both for their foules and bodies. See this confirmed, firft in generali, Exod.33. i 9. Iwill makeall my goodnefepafebe- fore thee, Pfal. 34. 1o. They thatfeekthe Lordfhall not lack any good thing. Then particularly, for bleffings temporal], Deut.28.11, t 2.The Lord /hallmake theeplenteous in goods, in thefruit ofthy body, and in thefruit of thy cattell, and in thefruit ofthyground. TheLordfhallopen unto thee his good treafure, the heaven togive thee rainunto thy land inhisfea- fon,andto blefe all the Workofthinehand. Alfo for bleffings heavenly and fpirituall. Eph. i : 3. He blefeth us with all #iritttall bleffings in heavenlyplases,or things inChrift :even mm 3 with .9