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90 Expafitiesofthe8S. Pfatme. Verf. zt with the gift of theHoly Ghoft , which is the good thing indeed for the foul. Pfd. 143. I o. Thy fJit-it Ps good : and it is Godsgift in the kingdomeof grace , --c`-s 2.16. and 10.44, 45, This is it , whichmakes the fouls of Gods people like a wateredgarden, ter. ;1. 12. Herewithdoth he fatiate the . fouls of thePrielis with fatneífe, and fatisfie thepeople withgeodneffe, verf.l4.as Paul was perfwaded oftheRo- mans, that they were full ofgoodnes,Rom. I 5. 14. and of the Corinthians , that in every thing they were enrichedby him,and came behinde in no gift. 1 Cor. I.5. 7. The firm The reafon hereof is threefold. Firft, to make known Reafon. the riches ofhismercy and goodnelfe inChrift : how well he is pleafed in him , that withhim he will give all manner The Cecond of bleflings, Rom. 8. 3 2. Reafon. Secondly , to drawmenunto him , bybeholding the a- bundance ofbleffings, which accompany the receiving of Chrift by faith : for, though many times they want the poffefíïon, yet the right of all Gods bleffings , belong to them that are in Chrift , t Cor. 3. 21, 22, 23. Thus was Simon (..Magna drawn to be baptized , Alls 8. 13. As, Heft. 8. 17. The ?ewes had joy and gladnefre , a feaf4 and agoodday : andmany ofthepeople ofthe landbecame eWes. Thi third Thirdly, tokeep thofe withhim, that come in fincerity, Rea fon. and to move them to cleavefait unto the Lord,in faith and love : as Sohn 6. 68. To Whom fhall we go ? thou ba.ff the words of eternall life. So Paul reafoneth, Rom. 8.31,32,35. What fhall we fay to there things ? &e. Who (hallfeparate us from the love ofChrift ? &c. This ferves for infiruc`tion, admonition, and comfort. The first For inftruetion twowayes : Firf , it opens unto us the üfe for in- true and right way , whereby we may receive from God, fFruftion. that which is good. Fewmen doubt of his fufficiencie and ability, but how they fhould be intercfted thereunto, and partake thereof, they knownot. Well , mark bete , Gods good gifts come with his falvation in Chrift : therefore feek the Lord inChriít, and thou íhalt lack nothing that is