9z Aaa Expofatio4 of the 85. P falme. Vert, tz not their portion : as, Pfal. 17. 14. and, Luke r6, 25 . Thou in thy life-time receivedft thygood things. But for the belt bleffings they have no part in them , while they live in finne, and want faith : as, yob; i 4.17. eflas 8. i . They have ftarved fouls in pampered and well clad bodies. TheUíe for Secondly, this muff flit up the godly, who have receive& admonition. good things fromGod ; to be carefull to continue in Gods goodnes : as, Rom. i 1.22. which is by keeping faith and a good confcience, r Tim. I. 18, 19. Heb. I O. 39. for For comfort, thismakes greatly to the godly in worldly wants: for certainlyGod will give that which is good:and though the outward man peri(h , yet is the inward man renewed daily : 2 Cor. 4. 16. and;we rejoyce in hope of the glory of God. Rom. 5.2. lam. z. 9. The brother of loW degree muff rejoyce in his exaltation WithGod :for,being a believer inChriff yefus,he is rich in God, thoughpoor in the world : as, lam. 25. and,Rev. 2.9. I loow thypoverty, but thouart rich. Andour landfoallyieldher encreafe.] The fecond blef- fing accompanying Gods falvation in the kingdome of grace, here Allred to thofe, that fear God : and it is meer ly temporal], concerning theplentiful encreafe of the fruits ofthe earth, where they live , that fear God. Mark then, in this part oftheir acknowledgement , two things : Firft, their title to the land : fecondly, the bleffing, whereof they aífure themfelves from it. The fecond For the firft : Gods people call the land of Canaan, Obfervatíon. where they dwell , their land , their own land : Verfe 9. That glory may dwell in our land. 2 Chron. 2.16. the land ofIfrael. It was Gods gifts to them and their progenitorsby co- venant : as, Gen. 12. 7. and, i 3. 1 S. Pfal.44.3,2. 2 Chr. 6. 38. ?adz. 1 I. 24. 2 Chr..20. 6, 7. And if we look for bleffing and comfort , in the place where we live , as the Ifraelites hereAire themfelves , we mutt make fore we have good title to it from the Lord: for there is (mall hope ofGods bleffing to accompany the de- The Life comfort. The Reafon. The life for admonition.