Verf. r z; An Expofition ofthe85. PfJi se 03 vils getting : as t Kings 21.19. ?er.22.I 3, Mrch4. Ha6. 2.9, 1o. Ifa, 5. 8. The fecond thing to behere obferved is purpofely inters_ The thìrá ded :namely,whenGods falvation in Christ comes among a 4bfervatìon people, it brings with it plentiful) encreafe of the fruits of the earth : fee Pfal. 6i. 2, 6. Pfal. 72. 16. Salomons kingdome, there fpoken of, was a type ofChrifts kingdom. See the truth hereofby Gods fpeciall bleflings accompany- ing ttofe, that in finceritie have received the covenant : as, Gen. 13. 2, 6. Abraham mu very rich in cattle, infilver, andgold : theirfubfiance wasfogreat, that the landwas not able to bear them : and Chap. 24. 35. TheLordhath bleed my Mailer , and he is becomegreat, &c. Yea , alfo Ifaac fowed and received an hundred fold , Gen. 26.12. Alf() ?at-06 was a bleffing to Laban, andhimfelfencreafed exceedingly. Gen. 3 a. 27, 43. The reafon hereof is this : Gods falvation bringeth to The Rearm men reconciliation in Chrift : for, as he is Gods falvation, if:49. 6. fo, in himGod reconciles theworld to himfelf, 2 Car. 5. i 9. Col. I. 20. Rom. 5. a o. Andhence comes a double benefit tending toplenty. Firft, the removal) of the curie, which Adams finne brought even upon the ground , gen. 3. 17. (for though want may befall the godly , yet not as a curie) Gal. 3.1;. it is onely (as fickneife is, t Cor. II. 32. ) a chaftifement and correc4ion. Secondly,hereby a land is entitled to the fpeciall blefíing` ofGods providence, that bring plenty : as, Dent. i i . 9, lc, IT, I 2. Andno marvell , for if he have given Chrift howJlallhe not With-himgivems all things ? Rom.8.3 2. This ferves for inftruclion, admonition, and comfort. For inftrudion two wayes. Firft, herewe may fee,that iié faíi the earthly bleflings of Gods providence,are attendantson Ufe forin- the heavenly bleffings of hisgrace ; great plentydoth ac- fitu}io16 corripany true piety : when menfirft feekGods kingdome, and his righteoufnefïe, all outward things needful) (hall be minifired unto them. Matth. 6.33. Godlineffe bath the nn prvatsifc