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It i ixpofitionel the 85 . Vet ; promifeof all manner of blefngs , both temporall and eter= Hall. I Time 4. 8. This wemay fee, as before in Abraham, Jfafacand 7aceb, fo manifefled afterward to Gods people by fpeciall promife. Lev. 26. 3,4, 5 Ifye walkin my fla- tutes --1will giveyou rain in duefeafon, and the landfall yeildher encreafe , and the trees of the field (hallJeild their fruit, &c. And as he fpake withhis mouth , fohe perform- ed indeed, unto David a man according to his ownheart ; whomGod advanced from a Shepheards crook to aScep- ter, Pfal. 78. 7e, 71. and raifed him on high, z Sat-n.23.1. andgave him great fubflance : as i Chron, 29. 3, 4. But more apparantly to Salomon , while he continued upright with God : fee, i Chron. 29.25. and 2 Chron. i .12,14, I 5. And to yehofhaphat , who walked in thewaves ofDavid God gave riches and honour in abundance. And the right hereoffill continueth to all the godly:All areyours,' Cor. 3.2I, 22. If at anytime it be otherwifewith Gods people, it is either for correion offinne ; as, Ter. 5.25. or for tri- all ofgrace, as in ob. The fecond Secondly,fee here the errour ofmany worldlings,who do Ufe for in- not once think, that the yearly encreafe of fruit from the fir«&ion. earth, and from trees , doth depend upon the fpeciall will and providenceof God,appointirg the fame everyyear,but either, like meet naturallifis , afcribe it to that vertue and power, which God gave themby creation , or morepro- phanelyattribute it to the afpec1s and influences of flatres and planets. It is true, God gave vertue andpower in the beginning to the earth, and to fruitfull trees, to bringforth fruit,according to their kind, Gen.i. i1,12. And the funne, moon, and f}arses , by heat and light , do work upon the earth, and trees that grow thereon;but not fo,as that force of them, by amore favourable afpea , flaould caufe plen- ty , and others, by amalignant afpe5f, fhould caufe fcarcity, No,no,mens behaviour in fmne, or in powerf ll for fcarci ze , andplenty, more then any pars : y as is plain, Deut. 28, Foradmonition, it makestwowayes.