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Vert: i2. An Expofitionefthe$5. ?falme. 95 Firf ,that they,who look forplentiful( encreafe from the The firft ufc earth and trees, in the place where they lives do breakoff for 3dmo- thecourfe offume , which brings fcarcitie. Pfal. t 07.34. mum ber. 5.25. and labour to become truly godly , in receiving. elieving, and obeying the WordofGod, which doth give title to theblefling ofplenty:as, Levit. 26. 2, 3, 4. 1 Time 4. 8. Secondly, thatwe, who live in Gods Church, where the The few,nit word offalvation is made known, beware ofbeing barren mon ú in grace : left the earth and trees that grow thereon , rife up in judgement againft us : for they, by Chrïfts cominkn the gofpel, received by faith, become more fruitful! unto Men, Pfal. 67. 5, 6. How then Ihall weefcape, if we con- tinue barren cfgrace in heart,and obedience in life towards God : Confider Chrifts turfing the barren fig t' ce , Mat. 21. t 9. and his command to cut that down,whichkept the ground barren , Lune 13. 6, 7. alto the fearful! Rate of thofe, that bebarren ground to theLord, Heb.6.7,8. adde alfo, (Moth. II.2 I , 2 3. If any ask, how we may be fruitful! to God for his falo vation in Chrift ? I anfwer, by labouring toadde grace un- to grace : as, 2 Per. 1. 5, 7,9. And amongft other fruits ofgodlineffe,befeeming thegofpel,look to thefe two. Firft, themaintenanceofGods worihipand fervice, which bath thepromifeof plenty:Prov.3.9,t o.Hag.2.17,18,19. com- pared with , Rag. 1. 9, I I. Mal. 3. i o. Secondly , the charitable relieving of the poor. Deut. 15. io, I I. Prov. II. 24, 25. Heb. 6. 1o. 2 Cor.9, 6, I o. For comfort , this makes greatly to all thofe, that con- Ike UEefor fcionably receive, and obey theword offalvation, the holy comfort. gofpe!; undoubtedlythe outward bleffings of Gods pro- vidence dull beminiftrcd unto them , fo farre as it is good for them. See, Pfal. 23. r, 2, 5, 6. Pfal. 34. io. & 37. 3. Andwhen there fhall be any defeft or want for temporal! things , Godwillmake fupply unto them, bythecomforts ofhis favour inChritt,and graceofhisfpirit : fee lam. i.g. and 2.5. WhereuponwithPaulthey are taught, both to nn 2 be